Book 7, Part 7

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My blood had stained through the shirt and onto the ground. As I shift to look for Sam or Dean, a small shooting pain went through me.
"Charlie-" Sam's voice was filled with worry. I found my hand quickly covering the open wound.
"I'm fine." I quickly say, trying hard not to let the pain determine what I said.
"Dean, wake up, Charlie is awake," Sam shook his arm hard. Dean was fast to sit up.
We needed a way out, not knowing where we are, we could be in a different state. Or maybe not.
"We need to get out of here." I tell them.
"But how?" Dean asks, finding him kneeling down by me.
"I'll give myself up, tell him I'll do a deal, you're freedom for me. It'll work." I say, looking for any sign of a maybe this could happen.
There isn't any.
"No way, not happen'" Dean says, Sam nodding his head in agreement.
"How about this?" Sam starts, we both listen, taking in every word.
After a few minutes of banging on the cell door and a shooting pain going through me, a man comes to the bars.
"What do you what?" He's stubborn face is scrunched up.
I pull myself really close, closer than to a stranger than I've ever been before. "I got my... monthly gift and I need something to ya know, plug it up, these are my favorite jeans." I look down, the blood from my wound works just as well as other blood.
"I'm not a nanny," he grunts.
"Well if I could use a real bathroom and stuff, that would help a lot. I can't bleed and pee into a can," I whisper.
I could feel Dean's eyes burning into the back of my head.
He mumbles something before reaching for a set of keys.
"One time only," he says as if he's promising himself.
I followed him to a small stall, I spent a few minutes in the constricting area, before flushing and exiting the stall. We slowly start walking back.
"What's your name?" I ask him.
"Trust me, you ain't gonna wanna know it anyways." He says loud and clear.
"Well I'm Charlie, but I'm guessing you already know that." we reach the cell, I turn around looking at him. "You seem like you got a nice name. Something like Luke or Brian. I always loved the name Luke."
"Would you just get back into the cell."
"Oh no problem, but first, these are my brothers, Sam and Dean, it's funny what a rock will stop." The man quickly looks into the cell and Sam and Dean weren't there.
A loud clunk noise came and the man was quickly on the ground.
We quickly left the scene, moving towards anywhere but there. Dean lead, I followed, and Sam behind me. we twisted and turns with the halls.
I was out of breathe by the time we come to a T like turn. Dean looked left, then right. He turned around looking at me, then at Sam.
"Left or right?" He asked.
"Right," Sam said.
A mass sound of foot steps follows behind us. Sam quicken his steps as we traveled, but I was too slow. Sam's hand pushed me ahead.
"I can't go any faster," I half mumble.
I quickly felt Sam's hands around me, picking me up. He sighed.
"I got you," he said as he pulled me closer to his chest.
"I think they went that way," a voice came along with a fastener steps.
"Dean we need out." Dean quickly finds a random turn, the cement wall was getting closer to Sam and closer.
He put me down, and started to crouch.
"I'm sure they didn't go that way, big ugly couldn't get in there." a voice echoes down.
Dean nods his head, "I think you're
big ugly, Sam." He laughed to himself.
"If they did, they'll be found." another voice echoes down.
We kept moving, slowly, before we stopped.
"Let me heal," I said to Dean, who nodded his head. I leaned against the cement before closing my eyes and my hand around the wound.
I thought about healing, what fresh skin looked like, how it felt when you ran your fingers over it. I thought about the pink color it was, I thought away and before long I felt the warmth of light take my skin.
I opened my eyes, looking up to see Sam confused.
"What?" I asked.
Sam clears his throat, "it's never taken you this long to heal."
"I guess I've never been in the situation of trying to get myself not heal, that it took a few minutes to turn the off switch back on." I nod my head, as if it made sense.
I found myself crouched and moving forward within moments.
We were so close together that all three of us missed it. When we stepped out, we stood in front of the man who wanted to see if I was an angel.
He looked up, his laugh echoed, "I was told I would be getting some visitors," he stands.
He shorter than I thought, shorter than me, he had a couple extra hundred pounds, the top of his head was bold, but he had all the rest of his hair on his face.
"See you guys tried to put on a show for me, the whole 'she needs a doctor' was the best part." he laughed shook my rib cage. "But are you ready for the last act?" He turns around, pulling out a samurai sword.
"God, can we not get a break?" Dean looks at him, flaring his nose.
"Of course not, I'm final boss, you get to go through all of them." about ten ninja dressed men jumped around us.
"No! You wanted to see if I was an angel, there's no reason for them to fight, I wouldn't want to fight Dean and Sam Winchester." I looked up. "After all you wanted me, right?" The man nods, "okay, it's you against us, if you win, fine have me-"
"Charlie-" Dean starts to speak up.
"But if we win, you get to let us go." the man laughed again.
"You think you can take me down, go ahead." he opened his arms. "Come get papa,"
I moved close to him, three steps, two steps, one step. Dean and Sam were by my side.
"You underestimate what some siblings can do." I ball my fist together, like what Mom had taught me when I was younger and I swung as hard as hell.
We were shown the way out and handed keys to a car to get us back to the motel.
Dean found me a tee shirt to wear and Sam and napkin to wipe the blood off with.
I started to laugh.
"What's your problem?" Sam asked, looking for pain killers.
"No one is ever going to believe that we, Sam, Dean, and Charlie freakin' Winchester took down a samurai man, that weighed over 300 pounds!" Sam smirked and Dean laughed turning his head.
"So you're officially a Winchester?" Sam noticed.
"I like the way it sounds." I laughed.
Dean drove, Sam had his map out, directing Dean, and I sat in the back seat, listening to the little things they argued about, until we reached the motel and the Impala.
Charlie Jean Winchester, I like the ring to it.
IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVENT UPDATED UGH. I got really busy with softball and today was the first time in a while that I didn't have softball, I love you guys so much!
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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