Part 3

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[The next day, Weiss is seen working on her newly made armored flight stabilizer that has finished rendering. As she tinkers with the newly made mechanical glove, she overheard the news playing.]

TV News Reporter: The 15-mile hike to the outskirts of Gulmira can only be described as a descent into hell, into a modern-day Heart of Darkness. Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes, displaced from their lands by warlords emboldened by a new-found power. [Footage is shown of hikers witnessing explosions happening in the town from a distance.]

Weiss: [clenches her armored fist in rage. Remembering back to her time in captivity, she feels guilty over the destruction that has been caused by her weapons] So this is the chaos my inventions created.

TV News Reporter: Villagers have been forced to take shelter in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages. Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters referred to by locals as the Ten Rings. [Weiss' flight stabilizer glows blue as her frustration grows] As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. With no political will or international pressure, there's very little hope for these refugees...

[Her rage finally reaching its tipping point, Weiss glanced at her reflection on the window and simply raised her armored hand and aims at it, and fires a blast of energy, destroying the window. She aims at another one before firing again, then spins and hits a third window, leaving a row of shattered glass across the workshop. As she calms down she returns her attention to the TV.]

TV News Reporter: Around me, a woman begging for news on her husband, who was kidnapped by insurgents, either forced to join their militia. Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs, holding them up to anyone who will stop. A child's simple question, 'Where are my mother and father?' There's very little hope for these refugees, refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help.

[With that, Weiss is left with a contemplative face. After a few moments of thinking she seems to have made up her mind. She walks away, intent on doing something about the dire situation she’d just heard.]


[A determined look on her face, Weiss marches into her workshop, hair tied into a clean bun and decked out in a full bodysuit. With Weiss incoming the panels of the workshop opens up, revealing a plethora of robotic arms handling advance machinery as they initiate the suit up sequence. Armored soles appearing on the platform, Weiss steps into them as the mechanical arms attaches the leg armor, followed by the arms, then finally the torso. Snow white armor going over her arc reactor, its glow brightens as it connects with the suit, providing it a power source. Lastly, the machine forms a helmet around her head, her face still locked in that determined expression. As the helmet closes, it’s eyes glows a bright blue, armor fully functioning and ready for action.]


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