Part 4

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[Riley is seen entering Weiss' workshop. He sees the woman in question tinkering with her armor. Hearing something, Weiss looks up and sees Riley approaching her.]

Weiss: Hey. You busy? You mind if I send you on an errand? I need you to go to my office. You're going to hack into the mainframe and you're going to retrieve all the recent shipping manifests. [Grabs something from the table and hands it to Riley] This is a lock chip. This'll get you in. It's probably under Executive Files. If not, they put it on a ghost drive, in which case you need to look for the lowest numeric heading.

Riley: [looks up from the thumb drive in his hand] And what do you plan to do with this information if I bring it back here?

Weiss: Same drill. They've been dealing under the table, and I'm going to stop them. I'm going to find my weapons and destroy them.

Riley: *sigh* Weiss, you know that I would help you with anything, but I cannot help you if you're going to start all of this again.

Weiss: Start what? What, you mean saving people? No, no there is nothing except this. There's no art opening. There is no benefit. There is nothing to sign. There's only the next mission and nothing else!

Riley: ...Is that so? Well, then, I quit. [Riley throws the lock chip on the table.]

Weiss: ...Really? You stood by my side all these years while I reaped the benefits of destruction. And now that I'm trying to protect the people that I put in harm's way, you're going to walk out?

Riley: Weiss, you are going to get yourself killed! You talk about saving other people but what about you? Who will save you, huh!? Is that it? You feel guilty about all of those things you caused that you think killing yourself is the only way to atone?

Weiss: ... Look, Riley. When I was kidnapped I really thought I was gonna die. I shouldn't be alive, but against all odds here I am. I had help escaping. He didn't make it, but you know what he told me? "Don't waste your life". I'm not crazy, Riley. I'm not blindly going into this, I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right.

Riley: ... *sigh* [Riley picks the lock drive back up.] All... this? Just... please, be careful, Weiss. You're all I have, too, you know.

Weiss: *blushes* Oh, uh, thank, you, Riley. [Looks away]

[Following Weiss' instructions, Riley enters her office and goes to her desk, a laptop sitting open and ready to use. He inserts the drive he was given into the laptop. The drive begins to look for the files, eventually finding a 'Ghost File'. Shortly, it begins to copy and download them as it shows many images in fast pace. From weapons, diagrams, and shipping documents, and then what perked him up is the title: 'Sector 16' as it shows many sketches of a very large armor suit mech.]

Riley: Sector 16? What are you up to, Jacques? [Searching for a few more moments, he finds a video of Weiss being held hostage. The men on the screen was speaking a language he didn't speak so he translates it.]

Video Voice Over: You did not tell us that the target you paid us to kill was the great Weiss Schnee. As you can see, Jacques Stane...

Riley: *shocked* No way... So, all this was...

Video Voice Over: ... your deception and lies will cost you dearly. The price to kill Weiss Schnee has just gone up.

[As the files were still downloading, an unexpected guests suddenly appeared at the office's door.]

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