Chapter 4

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"okay then, I guess you aren't really a nincompoop after all"

"So you take it back?" He said with a cute smile

I smiled back "No~"

Felix then did a sad face

"I'm just kidding!" I laughed


Later on we finally found a small spot to stay at, I gathered some sticks and 2 rocks to ignite the fire, I started to rub the rocks together and after a few seconds I successfully made a fire.

"Who taught you to light a fire like that?" Felix asked

"My mother did." I said looking up the sky

"And who taught you about plants? And you know mushrooms" I asked him as I chuckled a little bit

"My father, he taught me that.. and I wanted to know more but.." he said slowly looking at me with a sad smile

"oh.. I'm sorry for your loss.. I also didn't get to know my father aswell, so.. it's even?"

he chuckled "yeah, even" he said smiling at me

("his smile is so cute.. wait a second.. Y/N what are you thinking?! Stop stop!")

*Coughs* "I- uhh I think we should sleep now- We need to wake up early tomorrow so we could find a ride" I said

"okay then, good night Y/N" he said with a soft tone


The next morning, Felix woke up to a sleeping Y/N at the other side (but not beside him) he went a bit closer to Y/N and admired her features for a bit before putting strands of hair behind Y/N ear

Felix smiled and chuckled still admiring her for another minute but then Y/N woke up

("Sh!t") Felix thought as he backed up from Y/N trying to not make too much noise

"Mm.. huh.. what are you doing this early?.." Y/N said tiredly

"N-Nothing" Felix stuttered

"Alright then.." Y/N said wondering why he is kind of acting suspicious

Later on they find a ride and reach London

"So is this where we part?" Felix asked Y/N

"Yep" Y/N said getting off the carriage "It was nice meeting you Lee Felix, I'll be off now. Bye!" Y/N said as the carriage left

"I'll miss you" Felix said but Y/N wasn't able to hear him


"Okay I need to find a place to stay" I said talking to myself

"...I don't know where to go" I panicked a little until I remembered something

Quick recap:

"In this scroll is all about yourself, and a few guides for this new uhm world your in"

"Oh!" I said as I quickly took out the scroll Crystal gave me

"I hope there's a map-" I opened the scroll to see nothing in it except for a crystal drawing at the corner

("Seriously Crystal?") I thought

"Ugh, how am I gonna find a place to stay if I have no map?!" I said in frustration

Suddenly the Crystal on the scroll began to glow and a picture of a map began to appear on the scroll

"OH WHAT THE-" I said shocked

People began to look at me in confusion, and obviously it was AWKWARD, so I apologized and went to an alleyway where there's no people or persons to be found.

Finally, I watched the map appear on the scroll, amazed by it, my eyes looked like it had stars on them

"Woahh.." I said still amazed

I snapped myself into reality and stopped my inner child from coming out and began to search for a place to stay at for the meantime


After a few seconds of searching I found a place that is not too far and just nearby

"Aha! Easy peasy.. hmm what else can this scroll do?.." I began to investigate the scroll turning it upside down, moving it to the right and left, then shaking it

"How do you use this stupid scroll"

"Hmm.. the Crystal drawing glowed when the map was appearing.. so maybe.." I touched the crystal drawing and the Map slowly disappeared

"Woahh!" I said being amazed. Again

"Hmm what else can you do?" I said holding up the scroll

" I'll investigate you later, but for now I'll need to go and buy me a room"

I put back the scroll into my pocket and started to walk to a place I saw on the map.

A few minutes later I reached the place and bought a room.
I put down my stuff and untied my hair.

"Ohh it feels so good to unty your hair.. whew!" I said as I ruffle my hair

"Alright, now.." I took out the scroll " where were we?


Writer's Note;


I'm back from disappearing from the universe, I'm sorry if this chapter is boring and short but I promise that the next chapter is a bit better💓

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