Chapter 3

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I looked at the ticket and thought

("I should go soon aswell.")


Y/N's POV:

I finished my Jelly tarts and left the bakery, I decided to look for some new clothing and I saw a shop where selling dresses and other clothes.

I went in the shop and saw lots of dresses, they looked pretty, but it wasn't really my style.

I started to browse when I saw a cute dress.

I started to browse when I saw a cute dress

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"Hmm.. I'll get this one!" I said as I took the dress to the seller

"Hello! May I buy this please?" I said as I put down the dress on the table

"Yes, and that will be 2 silver coins" the girl said

"Alrighty, here ya go!" I said as I handed the coins

"Thank you, do you need anything else?"

"Oh yes uhh, do you have a dressing room perhaps?" I asked

"Yes we do, it's just right there at that room" she said as she pointed at a door at a corner

"Thank you!" I said as I went into the dressing room

I wore the corset that I brought with me and after, I the wore the dress
I looked at myself at the mirror and Fixed my hair then left the dressing room.

Your hair:

After I left the store, I went straight to the Train station, and with the help of the map Crystal gave me I reached the Train station with no problem

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After I left the store, I went straight to the Train station, and with the help of the map Crystal gave me I reached the Train station with no problem.

"Ticket to London" The guy said

I handed him the ticket and he let me in

I suddenly heard a women yelling something

"I will not let my son run away from me! They all said he's here! Let me in!" The women said

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