♪ It's Not a Dream Anymore ♪ {21}

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"Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, 'cause I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore! Oh...
It's not a dream anymore!
It's worth fighting for." - Looking Up

My heart was pounding in my chest; the pressure that came with passing Auditions was slowly fading but the adrenaline from the performance still coursed through my veins. Sweating but grinning, Chasing Avenues unplugged their instruments, and gathered by the western wing of the stage. I was the last to leave, busy adjusting the drum set back to its default settings before I left.

Sticking Rev into my boots, I straightened my back but not before a weird feeling overcame me. The hairs on my arms began to stand as I felt the scrutinizing stares behind me. Carter? Quickly I glanced over my shoulder at where Carter and her band were sitting, but their seats were empty. Huh. Maybe they left before we performed.

A small wave of disappointment met my adrenaline; I wanted to show her that I wasn't weak. I wanted Carter to see that I was fine pretending, that I didn't need her or any 'friends'; that I was strong.

It quickly evaporated though when I made my way over to the rest of the band yet continued feeling as if someone was watching me.

To my surprise someone was.

As Xander patted me on the back with a comforting grin, my eyes locked onto the familiar emerald gaze of none other than Mike himself. His expression changed into a calculating one, watching my and Xander's friendly exchange. But more importantly, I noticed the slight cock of his head towards me, or actually. . .

Narrowing my eyes, I silently understood what he was trying to tell me. My head swiveled around to glance behind my shoulder. Tom stood on the opposite wing, his eyes on me.

They were furious.

Furious, why? I had no clue at all. Tom's eyes were boring into mine, and I realized that this man was not someone to be made an enemy. The manager of Tilted Reality was exceptionally intimidating, and judging by the calculating look in his eyes as his gaze swept over me then past my shoulder at Mike, he wasn't stupid either.

Whirling around to glance at Mike again, I almost frowned at the smug smile on his face as he quirked a mischevious eyebrow at Tom. He was taunting the other man; challenging him.

"Lacey." Drake's voice made me turn towards the guitarist. "Come on, Gabriel and Zac are gonna take everything out to the car. They said they'll meet us back at the seats."

I nodded, and together the three of us started off towards our spots. An abrupt hand on my shoulder stopped me and made me flinch. My steps faltered as I watched Xander and Drake walk on without me.

"Not so fast, Lacey." Mike's voice murmured beside my ear and I felt like shuddering. His arm guided me back into the shadows of the wings, keeping us out of earshot and eyesight. As soon as I felt his grip loosen, I spun around and slapped his hand off me.

"Don't touch me." I hissed, still feeling the ghost of the pressure of his hand on my shoulder.

Mike's eyes brightened as if he were Sherlock Holmes and had just solved another crime. "Listen, Carson-" He ignored my jolt at the sound of my real last name. "I want you to meet me backstage after the last band performs. Alone. Got it?"

"What are you-"

"Understand? It's very important." He interjected, arching one eyebrow. I shot him an irritated glance and didn't respond. Instead, I turned around and took a step towards the auditorium seats.

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