Chapter 12

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Nunew pov

So it's been 3 years since I last saw my Zee a s I'm 21 now and I run my father's business and well as my chain of hotels and restaurants. I'm pretty much busy all the time. If I'm not busy then I'm at the club getting drunk or I'm just fuvking some random girl. I don't go for guys because I don't want to be fucked by anyone other than Zee ever in my life. Yes I still think about him a lot even today.

When he left 3 years ago I tried to find out where he went but he wiped his trail behind, it was like there was never a Zee in Thailand.

So when I could find him anywhere I just cried for a few months then just decided to make myself so successful that even if I were to wake up and marry 10 wives tomorrow,nobody will dare question my decision because that how powerful I was going to be and I noticed that money talks so I decided I'm going to make money. So far I can confidently say my plan is going accordingly. I'm the youngest 21 year old billionaire in the country and nobody can say whatever to me.

My relationship with my parents was never the same. Although I do talk to them but now it was more like a responsibility more than just wanting to spend time with family and my mom tried to get us closer like we were but I just couldn't be like that anymore but I do force myself to keep fake smiling do they would worry too much about me.

So far I'd say I'm doing well and Nat is still my friend obviously. He owns a interior design company I invested on as and so far my investment seems to be paying off pretty well.

Zee pov

I miss my baby so much and I have been keeping tabs on him. I know every move he makes. And how successful his been in everything he does over the last couple of years . I must say I'm proud of my baby.

I still have not gotten over him if you still haven't figured that out yet. Leaving in this farm is nice and all but without Nhu with me is just not okay at all.

Over the past years I have tried dating other people but it just doesn't work. I find myself comparing each and every person to Nhu and they just can't reach that level no matter how hard they try, there only be one Nhu and he rules my heart.

I don't know what I'd do of I ever met him again but one thing I'm sure of is that I will never ever let him go. That was the worst decision I ever made in my entire life and I regretted it from the moment I made it until today. I have to find to reason to see my baby.

Will he still love me like he did, will he still look at me like he did. Will he have gotten over me, would he ever want me back???? All these questions just run though my mind everytime I think about my love.


Nat and my relationship began as soon as Zee and Nhu broke up and we have never been apart since. Anyways today I'm taking Nat to dinner and I'm planning on proposing to him , I hope he says yes.

I'm taking him to his favourite restaurant,I have already booked the entire place out for the night. I want everything to be perfect.

I even sent an out for him to wear tonight which is a black and white suit and I'll be wearing the same.
I went to pick him up from his apartment and 1830 and I must say he looked breathtaking .

Max:" you looking amazing my love" I said staring at him none stop

Nat:" stop staring,you're making me blush Max and thank you don't look bad yourself"

"How can I not stare when my baby is looking this cute"

" Max" he whined

Nat pov

We arrived at the restaurant and it was too quite and it seemed to be empty

"Max ,are you sure this place is open tonight, there is literally no one here"

"It's because I planned it that way love"

There was a pathway of roses from the door till our table , everything was just perfect. I started to question myself if I had forgotten something and today was so.r special day but I just couldn't recall anything

"Max love, what's so special about today that you had to rent this place out" I asked as we sat down

"You'll see baby, be patient okay"

We ate while having small talk and it came time for our dessert and huge ice-cream came was brought out and as I was reading what was written Max was getting on his knees

"It was written will you marry me my Nat"

"Baby, my love . We've been together for a long time now and I love you from the bottom of my heart. I can't live without Nat and I don't want to live without you . Will you do me the honor of being my husband "

" yes ,yes and yes " I said with tears in my eyes

I can't believe I didn't see this coming.

"I love you so much Max, and this ring is beautiful, I can't wait to be your husband "

Later that night

Nat called Nhu

"Hey Nat, what's up"

"Oh, nothing much, howz the best man  doing"

" I'm oka- , wait did you just say best man, are you getting married"

"Yes Max proposed and I said yes, were getting married next month,it's going to be a destination wedding but we haven't decided where to go yet"

" I'm so happy Nat and yes I'm going to be your best man"

Max to Zee

"Zee you won't believe it"

" hello to you too Max"

" yah, yah, hello. Now to the important stuff. I'm getting married to Nat"

" Congratulations man, when and where is the wedding"

"Next month, and will you be my best man"

" of course man, I'd be happy too.


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