Chapter 10

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Nunew Pov

Zee and I just landed in the airport and I need to go to my place just to complete my final part of the project ,its due a month from now but the over archiver in me wants to submit a month earlier just intimidate everyone in class.

As we were coming out of the airport we were holding hands and just smiling remembering our beautiful trip. We were just talking about random stuff.

"Baby , do you have to go to your place today, you said it yourself 'the assignment is due next month. Please come to your Zee's house please baby"

"Zee I already spent the entire weekend with you , haven't you had enough of me yet"

" I can never have enough of you my love"

" I'll go with you on one condition"

"Okay, name it my baby"

As I was about to talk, Zee and I were suddenly surrounded by reporters.

" Mr Zee, is it true that you're dating your best friends son"
" Mr Nunew, is it true you're dating Mr Zee because of his money"
"Mr Nunew, how does it feel to date a man your father's age"
" Does your best friend approve of you two relationship Mr Zee".

Reporters just kept going with these questions and they weren't letting us through no matter what we did

" Zee , what is going on"
" I dont know Nhu baby, but I think they found out about our relationship somehow"

Body guards then surrounded us taking us out of the media.
"Thank you"
" don't thank us, Mr Thorn sent us and he wants us to bring you two home as soon as possible.

We arrived home soon enough to find my parents very angry and their anger was justified . As soon as we entered my dad just came a slapped me really hard and when Zee tried to interfer my dad punched him in the face not just once but two times. Zee didn't even try to fight back he was now on the ground with one of his lips bleeding a bit. Dad was about to kick him when I intervined. I went and just hugged Zee blocking my dad's kick which he didn't end up doing because he saw me.

"Dad please he's bleeding , don't hurt him anymore . Please dad I beg you". I said crying hysterically

Dad just yanked me off Zee neck and then held Zee by the collar

"How dare you Zee, how dare you get into a relationship with my son huh"

"Thorn, please give me chance to explain myself. I'm begging you" he said pitifully

" so you're not even going to say it's lies, you're just going to accept all your wrong doing. Do you think by doing this I'll just think you are a good person and let you have my son. Zee ,Nhu is like a son to you too for crying out loud" dad screamed all this

"Thorn ,please let me explain, please."

"Okay, explain Zee"

" Nhu and I actually love each other so much so please we beg you to not stand in our way please. "

" Zee ,my son is like a son to you too ,how could you think about getting in a relationship with him, Actually tell me this how long has your thing been going on for"

"The day of my presentation at Nhu's school. Nhu was the student I kissed but I swear I didn't know who he was" he said looking down

" Zee, Nhu is half your age. This can not be possible. Leave my son Zee now I'm begging you"

"Thorn please don't beg me to leave him. I love Nhu so much . I have loved him from the moment I laid my eyes on him. I did try Thorn ,I tried to forget him when i found out who he was but I just couldn't. I can't live without my Nhu. I can't even imagine a future without him by my side. I can't breathe properly without him near me. Thorn please don't take him away , I might go insane if you do. " Zee said desperately

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