Chapter 2

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Zee's pov
Coming out of that lecture hall, I was still a little bit dazed. How could  I have done such a thing, what happened to my self control. Its not like I was regretting the whole make out session because it was great trust me on that but I just didn't like the fact that kid had so much of an affect on me
A phone call got me out of my head and it was none other than my best friend Thorn
"Hey man" I said
"Hey, just wanted to confirm if my whole class businessman best friend was going to make it for dinner tonight"
"Yes man, I'm still coming but before then I have to tell someone about a thing that happened today or I'm going to ho crazy"
As he was about to tell Thorn ,another call was incoming and it was from he's other friend Max
"Thorn ,do u mind if Max joins in on this call so I call you both what happened today"
"Sure ,no problem"
" What's up guys" said Max
"Hey Max as much as I would like to continue our greetings I can't Zee was about tell me about something happened after the lecture. Now shoot Zee, we're listening" said Thorn
" Okay, okay, you're so impatient Thorn. So after the whole lecture I asked this kid to stay behind and as we were talking he just kissed me and guys I don't know how but my sense of reasoning and self control flew out the window and I found myself kissing him back and we had a whole make out session in the hall. We are do lucky no one walked in on us or anything. I just wonder why that kid had such an effect on me. I'm so confused guys."
" I don't think this is something to talk about via phone ,maybe after dinner will talk about it. You both are coming right. "
" Yah we are ,I can't wait to meet baby Nunew " said Zee excitedly
" You fo know he's no longer a baby right" said Thorn
" Yah ,yah, whatever. Will see you at 1900hrs"

3rd Person
Nunew attends therapy once a week just to get over his childhood trauma.Now he's a little better though thats why he only goes once.
He was kidnapped when he was 8 years old and the memories still haunt him till today.
He used to get panic attacks on a daily basis but now he is better.
That's the main reason why he had to change he's surname while going to school. After the kidnapping he never had a normal life again. He's parents insisted on him being home-schooled and he had to fight them so he could attend college.
His parents felt like it was their fault their child had to go through all that so they felt they had to protect him from the world. They had bodyguards following Nunew wherever he went and Nunew knew that but pretended he didn't.

Nunew was now going home from his therapy session, he didn't dare tell the therapist about the make out session with Zee because he wasn't ready yet. Although he knew he could trust her. His therapist however could tell the you g man was hiding something but she dicided not to push it and that he will share when he's ready. Nunew felt he had to tell someone about it before this whole thing ends up driving him crazy so he pulled over his car and called Nat ,his best friend
"Hey Natty " said Nunew
" Hey New, what's up"
" SotodayafterthelectureikissedZee" he said too fast
" I could get that you're to fast,repeat"
" I kissed Zee" he said in a low voice but Nat could hear
" Wait, the big shot businessman who was giving the lecture but how did that happen"
Nunew explained to his friend what had happened.
" Wow I'm speechless New, so what you gonna do "
" Nothing,it not like I'm going to meet him anyways, he's probably going back to the States since he's done doing what he came to Thailand for"
"Yeah ,you're right"
"Talk to you later after having dinner with my dad's best friend "
"Okay love"
He hung up and quickly drove to his house to freshen up before the guests arrive.

At Nunew house

Nunew's mom was busy making sure everything was perfect for the dinner they were going to have. It was 1830 and everything was almost done and she was only making the final touches to everything.
Nunew entered the house and the first thing his mom said was " you're late"
"Mom, there is still half an hour left till the dinner starts"
" But you still have to go freshen up upstairs and you and I both know you take to long to freshen up"
" Mom, come on it's not my fault that all the clothes I have just don't look so great sometimes"
" And to avoid that I have laid out some clothes for you"
" mom, you and I both know I'm not going to wear the clothes you picked out"
" Give me and hour I'll be in time for the main dinner, I'll just miss the starters , okay mommy"
" Okay, you've got yourself a deal young man"

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