Childhood Memories

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"Tyler, what do you want to eat?"

The 17-year-old's face lit up with inspiration.

"Biscuits! And loads of gravy!" She grins up at her parents, pleading with her eyes.

"Hmm... Okay." Ashley relents, ruffling her pink-streaked hair.

A while later, the homely smell of baking fills the house, and Andy has somehow whipped up a huge batch of biscuits, and he shares them between three plates.

Then he adds gravy, a little extra for Tyler as he knows it's her favourite part. He picks all three plates up waitress style, and enters the room where the other two are; the door swings closed behind him.

Tyler jumps off the sofa and grabs the dish.

"Dad you're the best I love you so much!"

"Excuse me, I'm right here!" Ashley adds from the sofa.

"Don't worry, you know I love you both the same." She sits back down next to him, placing her meal on her knees.

Andy passes the other plate to Ashley, briefly brushing his lips against his cheek.

Meanwhile Tyler has already began to devour her favourite meal. The dense fluffiness fills her mind with childhood memories: times of swings and playgrounds, tapping her cheek with her pencil when she does her multiplication tables (the sound always seemed to annoy Ashley).

Once more, her fork presses against its doughy surface, creamy gravy oozing out of the biscuit. She takes another mouthful.

"Mmm this is wonderful!" She exclaims, food muffling her speech.

"I agree babe." Ashley returns Andy's kiss on the cheek.

"Ew gross!" Tyler covers her face with a hand.

"Hey, if we can't be annoying parents then what's the point?" Andy says with a smile, and his husband chuckles.

"True, I'll make the most of it while it lasts - I can't believe I'm going off to college tomorrow!" Excitement bubbles up inside her once more.

"I know, I remember when I could pick you up and give you piggybacks all around the park." Andy says, filled with nostalgia.

"And I'd be scared shitless, clinging to your back for dear life!" The daughter says, laughing.

"Hey, language missy!" Ashley says mockingly.

"Shut up you dickhead!" She whacks him round the face gently.

"Where did we go wrong?" Andy shakes his head in despair at Ashley, smirking.

"Nowhere. This is the most anyone could ever wish for." Ashley replies. "I love you both so much."

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