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I'm so glad Andy's visited today. I may not remember much, but I know it's my birthday.

"Hey baby," He says, approaching me from behind. "How you doing?"

"I-I-I'm good-d th-thank y-ou." I manage to stutter out.

Taking the seat opposite me, he drops a carrier bag into the floor. I direct my eyes at it, trying to ask Andy what it is.

"You'll see." He says with a smirk. I shake my head clumsily, a lopsided smile on my face.

Just then, a nurse passes by. Patting her arm, Andy subtly asks how my condition is - I can still hear him, of course.

"Um..." She hesitates, turning Andy so they're facing away from me. Now I can only hear patches of their conversion.  "... Support... Living..."

"Oh." Andy sways back and forth on his heels. "Right." Sitting back down, he thanks the nurse and she leaves to tend to another patient.

Lifting the bag from underneath the table, Andy takes something out of it. It's a necklace, with two bats on it.

"It's me and you." He says, grinning shyly.

"Beautiful." I say: surprisingly with no speech problems.

Andy stands up and walks to behind me again. Lifting me out of my chair, he takes me into an embrace.

"It's been too long since I've felt your touch." He explains. There's a long silence.

"I don't want this to be the last time..." He murmurs, nuzzling his head down into my shoulder.

He pulls away from the hug, supporting my body with his strong arms. A few tears decorate his face and I wish so badly I could wipe them off. I wish that I could even cry like him: my face won't show emotion, even if I try. It's horrible.

He sniffs, wiping his face and flicking his hair to the side.

"You're beautiful, you know." He says with a weak smile. I try to nod but my neck muscles are seized up and won't move much - he gets the message anyway and takes my hand in his, wrapping a comforting arm round my waist.

Swaying together in time with the slow piano music, I feel everyone looking at us. I don't care.

I'm not leaving Andy. Not this easily.

A/N I was watching a film (Awakenings) and this scene came on so I thoughts I'd turn it into an Andley and yeah. As well I probably won't update this for a while because I want to finish my other book (Take Your Hand In Mine), sorry

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