I. The White Dwarf

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Bleakly Beautiful it brightened the night,

Released me from Darkness and brought me to the light,

Scorching my nape surrounded by its streak,

Absorbing the edge, my heart met its glow.

Ignited a flame, the white dwarf's wrath,

Crippled me down to my last cap.

Revered by my soul it stayed for a reason,

Twinkled for a period in the range of a season.

Indulged in its power it settled for a half,

Possessing my heart, it acquired its shape.

Dazzling the mind, it flickered its flash,

Clouded the head and redeemed my vision.

The night had fallen to retake the Dwarf,

The flame extinguished, resulting to ashes,

The flakes of the heart, rebalmed by my soul

And the Body's light, waits for the Dwarf's return.

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