II. The Tunnel

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I stood in a tunnel that sought for light,

So cold and dark without a trace in sight.

Flickered a Ray that peeked through the blinds,

And kindled a path past my loneliest fright.

Walked down the road against its delight,

Ignoring the dark, I came into the light.

Embraced the shine as the clouds grew apart,

Came down on my palm and fell for its grasp.

I loved the burn, the heat of the rays,

The sky more defined, the clouds flying further.

The rays shrouding my half through my consent,

Thus the clouds resurfaced, to recover their master.

I lost everything, but my darkest side,

Reversed my journey, patient for a new.

It confined me again, the tunnel's cover,

And from the light, I returned to the dark.

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