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Okay, there's one bugging question in his head, whenever Jisung see Chenle's house.

Why does he work at the café if he lives in a fucking mansion?

The last time he walked ill Chenle here, he was thinking the same thing, but the atmosphere was pretty awkward between them, so he didn't dare to ask.

Also, where is this scary as fuck animal, who Chenle swore that he took for a walk a few minutes ago?

On cue, as soon, as he rang the doorbell, he heard a low growl from inside the house.

So that's where his life ends. In the house of Zhong Chenle.

At least they would sponsor him with a luxurious funeral.

„Daegal! Stop it right now! Such behavior is unbecoming of princesses!" He heard the voice of the one and only blonde Chinese boy before the door was swung open and the other teen was revealed. And it wouldn't be surprising if not a fact that he was holding in his arms a small white ball of fur, who was looking at him with nothing but pure confusion.

„That's your dog?" He asked when Chenle turned on his heel, leaving the door open, not really impressed by his coming.

„Hello to you too" Jisung snickered at the sarcastic reply, before taking off his shoes which Daegal immediately began sniffing.

„I'm sorry, I just didn't think that your dog would look like.... This"

It looked like Chenle was trying to get some sleep before his arrival, judging by the mass of disheveled hair sticking around on his head, eyes not opened wide enough, and a reflection of a pillow on his left cheek.

„Like what?" Chenle only raised his eyebrow confused. Jisung tried to visualize his thoughts with his hands and the size of Daegal, which surprisingly gave Chenle an idea.

„Ah, you thought that I have like a big scary dog, which I would send after you?" Jisung's cheeks immediately turned slightly pink. Now, that Chenle has said it out loud, it seemed stupid. And Daegal looked cute. „Your impression of me is becoming funnier every time I hear about it" The blonde proceeded to finish his sentence before he burst out with a full laugh, which Jisung hadn't seen even once in his presence. And honestly? Sue him, but Chenle looked really pretty like this.

He waited a few seconds before the blonde managed to calm down a little and called a white ball who in response waddled awkwardly towards him.

It looked like Daegal was Chenle's honest weakness. Calling her a princess and making her go wherever the blonde was going. There was something cute when he stared at the duo climbing up the stairs. Chenle scooped that precious creature into his arms when he noticed that the dog had tired herself after a few steps.

„Come on Park Jisung" but somehow, he also managed to switch his tone of voice into his casual demand, usually used towards Jisung, in a mere second.

„You sure are an organized person" Jisung muttered loud enough as soon as he stepped through the door of the elder's room. The bed was neatly made, photos framed on the wall hung as it seemed not even a millimeter in the wrong side, and the desk was almost empty minus the laptop put in the center of it. He took a ware step forward afraid to not dirty the room a little too much with his presence.

„You can sit, I need to go to the bathroom first" nodding to the blonde, he expected that he would turn towards the hallway, but Chenle only closed the door behind, before proceeding to walk up to the door on his right beside his closet.

Holy shit, he has his own bathroom?

Jisung widened eyes but decided to not comment on it. He took a seat by the desk before his eyes zeroed on the device sitting perfectly on the bedside table on his left. He recognized it as the same one, that Chenle took a photo of when he sent him his schedule for the upcoming week. He curiously peeked at the planner, sliding it through the next week, and next and next...

Chenji || I didn't mean to love you, but I did.Where stories live. Discover now