Soul' apart

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SILKY:- Umm !! May I have a question! How's that related to this marriage blunder?

SENJU:- Uh! Kids these days don't know how to work with the atmosphere.

OKOMOTO:- no silky it is very much related to this situation, we can understand, if he's going to help us or not.

The environment got heavy with the story . At night we can see a full moon today . They were asked by SENJU to stay here and search for Noah. They called Franky, Brook and Usopp from the ship.
Everyone was busy preparing dinner as it's almost time. Sanji made some delicious food as he always does.

After having some supper they decided to drink .
I can't believe after day's of hardship we can finally found Noah. 'Nami said to Robin who was setting beside her.
Robin:- nami san did you clear up your mind, what you want!
Nami :- *smiles* Robin I think I always knew what I wanted.
Luffy was never away from my heart and I know that I love this man.

Robin:- so , what are you going to do,did you try to confess him?

Nami:- Robin you know that guy is not the type of guy who will chain himself in a relationship.A relationship Is a different thing,and not his type for sure,she smiles as she said.

Even though Nami was saying all these but deep inside she was praying for her heart. Robin knew this and didn't tried to further any discussion.

"Chopper bring me some red wine, you're going to the kitchen right! " Robin asked chopper to bring her and nami wine.

Sanji:- Nami chwan, Robin san why to bother chopper when I'm always there for my Ladies.
( He brought them two glasses of red wine) 🍷
Cheers nami chwa~~~nn Sanji playfully trying to give the wine to Nami but suddenly chopper and Usopp came from behind and crashed onto sanji,
Sanji:- I'm so sorry nami chan ,, I pour wine on you.

Nami:- don't worry sanji san ,I should wash it off, and you two be careful okay!

Nami went to her room to change clothes and wash off .She decided to took a bath it was almost 12.o clock the moon was bright and shinning very beautifully.

I want to bath here forever without any stress without any tension " Nami was talking to herself". When she tried to go out of the bathroom, she found out the door had been locked.
And all of sudden light also went off.

Nami:- ughh now what!

She called for help! Sanji san! Franky!! What happened to the light,she screamed from her bathroom.

Someone knocked at the room ,"knock knock " Nami are you okay? " Some familiar voice came .

Nami:-luffy is that you ?

Luffy:- yes! Nami Franky said he's looking for the power cut, and the whole ship's light has been cut off.

Nami :- okay I will wait for sometime I guess.
Even after some time the light didn't came,
Nami:- luffy!! Are you there?
Luffy:- yes nami I'm still here, what happened?

Nami:- actually I'm locked in the bathroom,my bathroom doorknob was broken,I asked Franky but I guess he forgotten, luffy can you come to my room and open my door? I can break the door but I won't do it in a time like this.

I'm actually feeling suffocating since the exhauster also not working.
Luffy was a little hesitant about going inside the the room. But lastly he decides to go to the room.
He tried to open the door ,but can't,he asked Nami if he can broke the doorknob.
Nami:- if you can't open it I've a extra key of this door. It's on the self of your right.

Luffy:- Nami! I found it.

He opened the door pushed the door hard because it was jam, the door suddenly opened and he fell down on Nami.

Nami:- Ouch!! Don't fell on me,move from me.
It was so dark in the bathroom they could barely see each other.luffy tried to feel Nami by touching her. Nami you okay?

Nami:- I'm okay but could you stop touching me.

Now now can you walk now the door is open.

Hmm let's go to the room " they are sensing the surrounding and trying to get out of the bathroom.

Luffy:- Nami let's go out they have candle there!

Nami:- Luffy wait I also have a candle in my room let me light that up.

Nami found the candle and light that up,it was scented candles and the aroma really changed after that,now they can see each other clearly. Nami had worn nothing but a half towel.
Luffy can see her bare smooth skin which is shinning through candles light.

Luffy:- Nami I think you should wear something.
Nami realised she isn't wearing anything but a towel.
Nami:- Ahhh!!! Don't look.
(She runs to her cupboard and slips on something and falls on the bed)
Luffy:- Ayye! Nami be careful (and Luffy also fell on her. ) Umm Are you okay!
The moment was quite awkward.

Nami:- Luffy can you move,I think something poking me down there.
Luffy:- (seems awkward) Smiling,Nami that's not my fault.sorry!
Nami:- luffy, let's drink some wine, please move from me.
Luffy:- umm!! Nami I don't think so I can manage getting up.
Nami:- than let me move,you stay some time here. (Ughhh why you're so heavy)

I went far from him,dressed up and left the room.
Here luffy thinking how much of a stupidity he did today. After leaving the room ,he tried to calm himself down . Uff Nami.
Luffy:- what had happened to me I've never saw Nami as a woman and now today what's this feeling.

Nami thinking about luffy,she returned the room:- Luffy! Luffy are you there... She entered the room and thought luffy left her room.

Luffy was sitting on her bed,oh Nami did you come back I was thinking to say sorry to you but how can I say sorry when it's a grave mistake....I just want to ..... suddenly Nami runs towards him and hugged him tightly.
Luffy:- Nami ,is everything okay?
Nami:- luffy let's not talk anymore.

I gaze up the open window the moonlight was beautiful that day I want this moonlight to witnesses the moment.

Luffy:- Tsuki ga keire desu ne. ( The moon is beautiful isn't it)

Nami:- hmm, I love you too. Luffy will you not kiss me.

Luffy;- shall I?
Nami gets closer to him as she started kissing him.

As these two confessed their love,they melted into each other's arms. Luffy pinned down Nami on the bed while grabbing her wrist as tight as possible,
Nami was nervous but excited.
The both were hesitant,they became two bodies and one soul as they removed their Vail of shyness. Luffy slowly puts it inside nami. Nami screamed in pain but it was mixed with pleasure.

Nami:- ah! Ah ! Ahh! Luffy!! More

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Nami:- ah! Ah ! Ahh! Luffy!! More

Luffy:- huh!!huh!! Nami nami you're the most beautiful woman I'm seeing right now.

Meanwhile in the ship yard " chopper:- sanji where is nami and Luffy ,they are missing so much right now, shall I call them over.

Sanji:- chopper,lets leave them.

Robin:- chopper san shall. We eat something I think they just slept.

Chopper:- ok Robin

Robin and sanji looked at each other,and both were thinking the same thing.

The moon is lovely, isn't it? (LuNa)Where stories live. Discover now