Act 1 Scene 1

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When the lights come back on the stage is set up as a classroom. There is a teacher's desk (which has a computer in the middle, a pile of paper on the left hand side of the desk and a couple of pots, one with colouring pencils in, one with pencils in and one with writing pens in) on the right top hand corner of the stage, with twenty seats and desks around the stage set in rowns. A blackboard is set up near the teacher's desk (slightly behind it but near enough next to it). The board is covered in writing or numbers (something to do with English or Maths). There are about fourteen students there already, (some boys and some girls) plus the teacher (female) who is currently on her computer trying to send some last minute emails. All the students are shouting over each other (some be yelling 'how was your holiday' some be yelling 'what did you get up to' and some be yelling 'it's good to be back isn't it, dude'). The teacher starts to ask everyone to be quiet but she can't be heard. Eventually the teacher seems to give up.

Teacher: (obviously distressed, and having to shout above the shouting students) When will you ever be quiet?

The whole class falls silent as the teacher shouts over them. They all look so surprised.

Teacher: (Voice is at a normal talking level now but she still looks distressed) You do this every morning and I am fed up. If you keep doing this then the whole class is going to be in trouble from the headmaster. I don't want us to be the class in trouble as that will lead to some serious consequences. Also we have an inspector coming around the school today so I need you all to be on your best behaviour, please. I know you can do it.

Student 1: (apologetically) We are truly sorry Miss, we didn't realise how much you were being affected by us being so noisy. Nor did we realise that we would get into serious trouble for it.

Student 2: (Not apologetically at all, rather very furiously) Shut up, Weepy, only you could suck up to a teacher so badly. None of us care how SHE has to deal with us, because we wouldn't do it anyway.

After a few moments of the students high fiving each other and giving each other a hug.

Teacher: Alright class, it's registration time now. So please sit down in your seats and I will do the registrar.

The students sit down in girl, boy, girl order.

Teacher: (Taking a registrar out of a folder in a draw)

Aliyah: Yes, Miss

Teacher: Amber?

Amber: Here, Miss

Teacher: Brooklyn?

Brooklyn: Yes, Miss

Teacher: Cora?

The Teacher waits a second but Cora doesn't answer.

Teacher: Cora? Has anyone seen Cora?

Amber: No, Miss. She wasn't at home when I went to walk in with her.

Teacher: Okay, thank you Amber. Darcie?

Darcie: Qui, Madame

Teacher: Eliana?

Again the teacher receives no response.

Teacher: No Eliana today then. Florence?

Florence: Yes, Miss.

Teacher: Gianna?

No answer comes

Teacher: Okay no Gianna then. Hope?

Hope: Buenos días señorita, cómo estuvieron sus vacaciones?

Teacher: My holiday was good. Thank you for asking Hope. And well done for practising your Spanish. Milly?

No answer

Teacher: Adrian?

Adrian: Here, Miss

Teacher: Blake?

Blake: Yeah?

Teacher: Don't yeah me young man. Caleb?

Caleb: Here, M'me.

Teacher: Dawson?

No answer

Teacher: Eduardo?

Eduardo: Wha..? Oh, yes, Here, Miss.

Teacher: Pay attention next time okay. Frederick?

Frederick: Here, Miss.

Teacher: Gael?

Gael: Yes, Miss.

Teacher: Griffin?

Griffin: Morning, Miss

Teacher: Holden?

Holden: Here, Miss.

Teacher: Skylar?

No answer again.

Teacher: Where are Cora, Eliana, Gianna, Milly, Dawson and Skylar? Cora, Eliana, Gianna, Milly and Dawson are never late.

The teacher turns to the audience

Teacher: (To the audience) I know Skylar is usually late or doesn't turn up anyway so there is no point in trying to find them. But their only friend, isn't here either? Or the other classmates that aren't here yet? That is really unusual, no one is late with me because I give them food on the last day of each half term if everyone, apart from Skylar, is here on time.

Just as the teacher finishes her last sentence the five students who are usually on time arrive. Skylar's friend looks like she is about to burst into tears.

Teacher: (Anxiously) Milly, are you alright? Do you need to go and take a few moments outside?

Milly: (Trying not to look at anyone and seemingly choking on their words) I-I n-need a f-few m-minutes t-to t-talk t-to y-you m-miss i-if t-that's o-okay.

Teacher: (Surprise obvious in her voice when she replies) Very well then Milly.

Milly and the Teacher head over to the left side of the stage away from the students.

Teacher: (Wrapping an arm around Milly's shoulder and talking softly to her) What's wrong Milly? You never seem this upset. I understand that you don't want to tell anyone else and I am okay with that. Is it something to protect you?

Milly shakes her head

Teacher: (A little bit of fear is now entering her voice as she speaks next) Is it something to protect someone else?

Milly nods her head to this

Teacher: (Her voice is now full with fear, so much that even Milly notices it) What is it, Milly? Is someone in danger? Is someone going to hurt themselves? Is someone hurting someone else?

Milly finally looks up and looks the teacher dead in the eyes

Milly: (Milly's voice is full of hurt and fear) It's about Skylar...

The stage lights go off as soon as Milly has said that.

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