Chapter 17 ~ A New Beginning

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*Unkown POV*

I was walking through the mall pulling at the black sleeves of my sweatshirt. I wanted to keep the thin scars on my wrists covered as best I could. In fact, that's one of the reasons I was here. I needed some wrist bands to hide them and a little bit of shopping would make me feel better. Wondering why I'm not feeling happy and cut? Well you go get bullied at school every day and during the summer and hit by your ex-boyfriend at random times with no friends to help you, then call me and tell me if you feel/act any different.

After I left Hot Topic with three wristbands (all of One Direction >>) on each hand, I decided on going to Forever 21. I made my way across the mal, stopping to look at the maps every now and then. I eventually found it and as I was walking in, looking down at my wristbands smiling, I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" I said as I helped pick up her many bags.

"Oh it's alright," spoke a female British accent. I looked at her and my mouth dropped open. Standing right in front of me was Eleanor Calder and three other girls that I didn't know. I forced myself to act like she was any other person because she probably hates when she can't be in public without people freaking out. "You can catch flies with your mouth open," she laughed.

I smiled slightly an closed my mouth. "I-I'm Hazel. Sorry for knocking you down." I stuck my hand out for her to shake, but she pulled me into a hug instead.

I stood in shock, eventually finding the sense to lightly hug back, as she said, "It's alright. You didn't mean to. Plus it was half my fault." Was this a dream? This girl was so nice to me. Most people bully me. "You're a fan, I see," she said motioning to my bracelets.

I smiled more and nodded. "They're my idols; but I'm not one of those sycotic fans."

She laughed, "I can tell. You're not harassing me for their numbers, which is quite a relief."

"I assumed it gets annoying," I simply said. She nodded.

"Oh, Hazel, these are my friends Bree, Lauren, and Sesily." Eleanor pointed at a blonde girl, then one with light brown hair, and lastly a girl with dark brown hair. They all said 'hello' and waved. "We were just about to get lunch before leaving, would you like to join us?"

I was in absolute shock at her words. Not because this was THE Eleanor Calder, but because she's treating me sort of like a friend... ""Sure!" I replied with a wide grin. I began to follow them and walked beside Bree.

"So, how old are you?" she asks me.

"Seventeen. You?"

"Same! I can already tell we're gonna get along," she said with a sincere and friendly look. Was I getting friends? Were these people accepting me? My mind said no, that it was a trick. But my heart told me they were my friends. And my gut told me the same thing. I think taking the chance to make some friends would be worth the pain if they don't turn out to be who I think they are.

When we arrived at the food court, we all went to Subway and waited in line for our turn to order. We each put in our share of money and found a table near the edge of them all. "So, why are you shopping?" I asked to try and make conversation.

"We've got a dance to go to tomorrow and needed new dresses," Sesily said.

"Just a question, but are you three dating any of the boys? Cause if so, I haven't heard about it." They laughed a little when I asked that.

"No, we're their friends. Only El is dating Louis, which you probably know," Lauren said. We talked for a while and then left. I didn't buy anything, but it turns out I didn't need to because these girls made me feel a whole lot better. As we were walking through the parking lot in search of our cars, I saw them whispering between each other and curiosity welled within me.

Eleanor finally turned to me and said, "Would you like to meet the boys?" My jaw dropped and I stared wide-eyed at her. She wasn't serious, right? She'd just met me!

"Sure," I said happily. "Should I follow you guys in my car?" I asked. She nodded and gave me a hug, which I gratefully accepted before walking to my car. I pulled out and drove over to where her car was parked and saw she was ready to leave, so I followed her out of the parking lot. When we hit a red light, I looked at my wrists with a smile and whispered, "Maybe this is a new beginning."

The drive was about twenty minutes long and before I knew it, I was standing at One Direction's front door. I stared in awe at there house. It was HUGE! What if they don't like me? What if they laugh at me like others do? Even worse; what if they find out that I cut? All of these thoughts were running through my head when I was pulled inside by Eleanor. "What if they don't like me?!" I loudly whispered.

"Of course they won't like you; they'll love you," she said with a reassuring smile. I nodded and took a deep breath as I followed her into their living room. "We're home!" she said. They all turned their heads and waved while smiling and did a double take when they saw me awkwardly standing there.

"Make a new friend, love?" Louis asked as he came up to Eleanor and pulled her to him by her waist. She nodded and turned to me.

"Mhm. Boys, this is Hazel. We met at the mall today," Eleanor explained.

Louis let go of his girlfriend and walked over to me. He acted like he was taking off a pair of glasses dramatically and said, "I'm Louis The Tommo Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis." I laughed at his weirdness. "That my dear friend is Daddy Direction, thee Bradford Bad Boy, Curly, and our Leprechaun, though you might want to call him Nialler."

They all greeted me with 'hey's and 'hello's. I felt someone tugging me toward the couch and was sat between Liam and Niall, whom pulled Lauren on his lap when she was walking by to sit on one of the couches. I watched her blush and lean into his shoulder, making him smile. "I thought you said you two weren't dating?!" I exclaimed.

Harry laughed and said in his deep British accent, "They're not. They just act like they are." I made an 'o' with my mouth.

"Like you have any room to talk, Hazza!" Niall shot back. "You flirt with Bree constantly and follow her around like a puppy." I laughed at that as I pictured it in my head. Harry started whispering in Bree's ear and she was blushing like crazy. I silently awwed and bet myself that they'd end up together. "SEE?!"

"Boys, can I talk to you real quick?" Louis asked. They all exchanged confused glances but nodded and followed him upstairs. I shrugged and turned to Lauren and Bree.

"Okay," I said to get there attention. "You guys may not be dating Harry and Niall, but you TOTALLY like them. You couldn't be more obvious and neither could they."

"Harry would never ask me out. He could go for much better," Bree stated sadly and Lauren agreed about her with Niall. Eleanor, Sesily, and I all gave them an 'Are-you-serious?' look. They must be crazy.

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