Chapter 32 ~ Unwanted Run-ins on Perfect Days (Part 1)

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*1 month later. I think it's now early August? Sure let's go with that!*

*Sesily's POV*

"Be ready in two hours!" Lauren shouted. "I'll pick you up then!" I waved over my shoulder to indicate I'd heard her and walked behind Bree into her house. I heard the sound of silverware hitting plates and raised my eyebrows at her. She quietly grabbed a pocket knife from the little desk sitting near her front door and slowly tip toed toward the dining room. We jumped into the room at the same time and saw... her parents?

"Mom? Dad?" Bree asked. I could hear the excitement in her voice. I will admit, I was excited too! Natalia And George were like the parents I once had. But they didn't know what my dad did to me. We tackled them in a hug and quickly we were all talking at once.

"You'll never believe what's happened since you left!"

"Why are you home so early?"

"I missed you girls so much!"

"You kids didn't throw any parties did you?"

"Did you guys have fun?"

"We've got so much to tell you!"

"How's Lauren and Sadie?"

"It feels like I haven't seen my babies in ten years!"

George spoke over all of us, "One at a time! Golly." He laughed. "Okay, your mother and I decided to come home early because we missed you girls so terribly much! It was loads of fun, but we couldn't last any longer away from you guys!" We hugged them again. "Now, what have you got to tell us?"

Bree and I started speaking at the same time.

"At the concert we met One Direction-"

"I have a boyfriend!"

"Lauren is dating Niall Horan!"

"We met this girl named Hazel and-"

"Liam likes Hazel and we should totally get them together!"

"Harry took me on the most romantic date ever!"

"Lauren, Hazel, and I went out to eat with the boys and there was a shooting-"

"Sesily got shot! In the arm! This happened during the dinner-"

"WHAT?!" both George and Natalia screamed at the same time, making both Bree and I stop talking. "YOU GOT SHOT?!"

"Is the shooter in jail?!" George asked.

"It's probably best if we just explain everything that happened from beginning to end..." I suggested. Natalia made coffee for everyone and we all sat around the living room as Bree and I began to explain everything. From the concert to now.

When we were done, they sat there quietly and soaked it in until George very calmly stated, "I want to meet this boy. Soon." Bree nodded obediently.

Natalia said, "I'm so happy for you guys! Oh goodness, I have to get pictures! George where's my camera?!"

I laughed and said, "Natalia, they aren't here with us. You can meet them eventually."

"Are you okay? From getting shot I mean," George said.

"She's fine," Bree replied for me. "It didn't hit the bone, just her outer arm." Bree was right. Now It was just a scar on my arm. An ugly scar that marked my body of all that's it's been through just like every other one. I checked the time. "We should get ready, huh?" I nodded.

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