Chapter Three

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New Orleans

The burial vault flickered with candlelight , as I watched my Father pacing back and forth. It seemed his mind was racing with thoughts about the current situation. Not that I could blame him. The whole predicament was extremely overwhelming. Pursing my lips, my diverted from my Father to the young woman sitting on the nearby bench. The one who was carrying Klaus's child. 'Klaus's child', those were two words I didn't think I'd ever hear. Words that should have been impossible to speak. And yet, here we were. Believing in the impossible.

Though, was it really impossible? Was it really that crazy this occurred? Perhaps, no it wasn't truly impossible.

Not when Uncle Klaus, was a Hybrid. Part Vampire, Part Werewolf.

Sharing blood from both worlds.

Despite his Vampirism, Klaus's werewolf genes were still very much dormant. Which, meant he shared all of their qualities. And that included? Well, also their ability to procreate.

I crossed my arms. "So, we're both on the same page about how crazy this is right?"

Father looked to me. "Perhaps."

"I mean..." I shake my head. "Not in a thousand years did the thought ever occur that there was a possibility that Klaus could procreate."

To be honest, I don't think it would've occurred to anyone. Not even Klaus himself.

The conversation just never came up.

Father stopped his pacing. Then turning to face me. "I don't think either of us could have ever fathomed such a possibility. Especially given his circumstances. Not only his immortality, but by the mere fact Niklaus could not possibly be capable of raising a child. Let alone his own."

"Because he's insane?" I inquired, titling my head.

"Precisely." Father replied.

"I mean... There was Marcel." But even then? Even then it seemed we had our doubts about Klaus's parental capabilities.

"Mm yes. Marcellus." Father quipped. "Niklaus's underling whom he raised as his own. Though, I wouldn't exactly call that a success, now would you?"

I pursed my lips. Given the man Marcel had become now?

There was some doubt.

"I don't know." I shake my head. "All I know is the Marcel I saw, was not the Marcel I watched grow up with our family." It was clear, Marcel had changed. In more ways than we had known.

But then again? We had not seen him in quite literally decades.

He was no longer the little boy, I once knew.

"Yes. It appears so." Father then turned his attention towards the young woman. Taking a step towards her, with narrowed eyes. "So, have they been holding you here against your will?"

The woman sighed. "They lured me out to the bayou and grabbed me. And they did all these... weird witchy tests. Not that I understand how this could happen." She shakes her head. "I mean, vampires are dead. They can't have children!"

Father sighed. "Perhaps if you knew my brother's story, it might explain how this is possible. Here, if I may."

He takes a seat on the bench beside her.

He then reached his head out to touch her forehead. But she flinched.

"What are you doing?" She stared.

Father's expression softened. "Relax. If you open your mind to me, I can show you." He placed his hand on the woman's temple. He closed his eyes, and she does soon after. "In the beginning, our family was human... A thousand years ago, now."'

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