Chapter Four

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New Orleans

A cold chill swept through the crypt. The only warmth coming from the endlessly lit candles filling the room. Outside in the cemetery, the witches were conspiring with each other. No doubt about their plans to use Klaus to take down Marcel and regain control. Letting out a deep sigh, I then walked over to the bench where Hayley was sitting. Pursing my lips, I sat down. As I looked at her, I could tell how lost in thought she seemed to be. Likely overwhelmed by the whole ordeal she was going through.

My expression softened, as I saw this. "Are you okay?"

Hayley looked up. "Hm?"

"Are you okay?" I asked once more. I knew that she was scared and confused. "I know all of this is extremely overwhelming for you."

Hayley took a moment to gather her thoughts. Before, then replying. "I-" She shakes her head. "This is all still insane. I mean, Klaus being able to have children? Being pulled into a war between the witches and the vampires."

I nodded my head, sympathetically. "I know, Hayley. It's all hard to believe."

"And now the lives of me and my baby..." Hayley placed a hand on her stomach. "They're being threatened by the witches."

"They're desperate." I told her.

"Desperate, or just crazy?" Hayley's eyebrows furrowed.

"Both, if we're being honest." I replied to that. The Witches were going to great lengths to get what they wanted. Witches were always this way. "They'll do whatever it takes to take Marcel down and regain their control of the quarter."

"Well, threatening the lives of a mother and her baby is taking it too far if you ask me." She let out a sigh. Looking down at her stomach.

I could tell she was worried.

Worried about the witches. Worried about what they would do to her and her baby.

I couldn't blame her for that. I was worried too. We truly had no idea what kind of war was going on. And we certainly didn't know how things would end either.

It was...scary in a way.

We were caught in the middle of a witch-vampire war. A war that could change everything.

And, not for the better.

"Hey." I reached a hand out, placing it on her arm. "It's going to be okay. The Witches are just playing some twisted game to get what they want. We won't let anything happen to you, or to the baby." I tried to reassure.

Hayley shakes her head. "Sophia made it pretty clear they won't hold back."

"Trust me, there isn't a chance my father is going to let anything to happen to either of you." I told her. That much I knew Truly.

Hayley stared. "Your father, as in..."

I nodded my head. "Yes. Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson is my father."

Hayley seemed rather surprised by this. I couldn't say I blamed her. "Elijah is your father? Then that would be mean Klaus..."

"Is my Uncle." I finished.

Hayley shook her head. Clearly taken aback by this. "Wow. And here I was thinking The Originals family history couldn't get any more complicated." She stared.

I chuckled. "I can't really blame you for thinking that."

"So, Elijah is your father, Klaus is your uncle." Hayley's mind was trying to wrap around this. "And their father, your grand-father."

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