A difficult man Part 11

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A difficult man

Chapter 11

Buck headed to his office as happy as he had ever been in his life. He hoped Kathleen had done what he asked, but doubted she'd listened to him. She was probably plotting something to try and frame him again.

He decided to go first to the Reverend. When he entered the church, he confirmed that the woman had not yet said anything. Buck didn't want to put it off any longer.

He explained the situation to the reverend and he tried to console him but Buck confessed that he actually understood that the woman in his life was another and that it was better this way. The reverend asked him if he was talking about Jane and he nodded. The reverend patted him on the shoulder and said: "I know it's hard to digest even this affront, but Jane is the one"

"I know it, reverend, and luckily I have not lost her. We will see you again soon I think "

The reverend smiled complicit and greeted him.

Buck went back to the office where Kid asked him what had become of him.

"You haven't seen Kathleen I suppose", Buck asked.

"No, why, should we?" Asked Jimmy who was there with them.

"It doesn't matter", Buck said.

When he had done all the chores, he told his friends: "I know that you disagree with me and that you are very upset with my behavior lately, but I ask you one more thing: come and have dinner with me tomorrow night for please, with Rachel and Lou. I will not ask you anything else. I beg you"

"What are you still doing son?" Teaspoon asked worriedly.

"Trust Teaspoon".

The men looked at each other, sighed and nodded.

Buck left and went to the hotel to talk to Kathleen. At the reception he was told that she had packed her bags and left without explanation. Buck decided not to protect her anymore. He explained everything to the guy at the reception and then asked him for a favor. He quickly wrote a note and asked him to spread the communication to the list of people he was about to leave. The boy read the note and asked him: "Are you sure Buck?"

He nodded. She had sent a note sent in Kathleen's name in which she confessed that she had deceived Buck, that she was expecting a child not his own and that Buck had found out, thus canceling the wedding. He had given her the opportunity to leave as a lady, but despite appearances, Kathleen was not at all.

The only ones who did not receive the ticket were his friends and Teaspoon. They deserved to hear from him the next day. He arranged the day to send everyone out of town so that no one would tell them of the news. He then asked the Reverend for help in keeping Lou and Rachel busy for the same reason and he was happy to help.

After everything was sorted out, Buck went to his house to wash and get ready. He wanted to be flawless for Jane's dinner.

When he arrived, she greeted him with a passionate kiss and invited him to enter. Buck was amazed by the table prepared as for a special occasion, with candles that made everything more romantic.

Jane sat him down and began to bring dinner to the table. She served him as a prince. During dinner, Buck explained to Jane what he had done to cancel the wedding. Then, as he spoke, he saw that there were boxes in a corner.

Buck turned to look at her worriedly and said: "Jane, what are those boxes?"

"Oh, I haven't fixed them yet. I had already packed almost everything for my departure. Monday I was going to Sacramento never to come back. I couldn't stay "and she also told him about her malaise.

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