A difficult man Part 13

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A difficult man

Chapter 13

On the return journey, Jane didn't say a word. Buck left her quiet for a while, to avoid shaking her, but after more than an hour of not speaking, he broke the silence.

"Jane, darling, I know that you are disappointed in me and angry, but I swear to you that from now on you can always count on me, I will never abandon you. You and the baby are the most important thing for me and now that we are a family, we will face everything together ".

Jane didn't answer.

"Please talk to me, don't shut yourself up."

"What do I have to tell you Buck, I'm so tired of fighting for both of us. You married me, didn't you? You have reached your goal, now let me rest "

"I have not achieved my goal, but ours. We wanted to start a family and this is only the first step. If you still want it, we'll have our church wedding and start our new life. Please forgive me"

"I need time to think, Buck, now I'm stunned by everything that's happened. We will see what destiny has in store for us ".

Buck no longer disturbed her.

They camped in a clearing to eat something and Rachel walked over to Jane: "How are you honey?"

"I feel empty and apathetic Rachel, I need to rest and reflect."

"Now that you are married, you will see that everything will be fine."

"I don't know if I want to be his wife anymore, he has deeply disappointed and hurt me. If it weren't for the baby, he probably wouldn't have looked for me again. How can I live with a man who is not strong enough to fight for our family? "

"Jane, there are so many things you don't know about Buck yet that might help you understand. You have to talk and clarify ".

"Now no, Rachel, I can't do it. When we get home we will see ".

Rachel didn't insist. Shortly thereafter they resumed their journey and in the evening they stopped in a town a few hours from Rock Creek to spend the night. When they arrived at the hotel, Rachel asked for a single room, but Jane interrupted her: "No, I'll sleep with you, Rachel".

"But how Jane, it's your first night as Buck's wife!"

"For me this marriage has no value, it was just an expedient not to return to Italy, so it is as if I were not married".

These words broke Buck's heart as he heard them.

"Don't worry Rachel, that's okay, I'll sleep with Jimmy. We will have time at home to clarify our story. She's right, it wasn't a real wedding. We will officially get married next Saturday as planned, I want to believe it ", Buck assured her.

He then gave Jane a kiss on the forehead and went out with Jimmy on the porch.

When they were in their room and had settled down for the night, Jane went to her bedroom window, which overlooked the porch, and opened the glass because it seemed to her that she could not breathe. She was joined by Buck's words as he was venting to Jimmy: "I'm scared Jimmy, I'm really scared I lost her this time. I was a coward, I didn't have the strength to fight for her again, and I preferred to run away, as I always do after Camille and Kathleen. I can't think of not sharing my life with her and my son, I would die ".

Jimmy tried to console him: "You have to give her time, Buck, she has suffered a trauma and she is like in a trance state. She was afraid of losing your baby and she poured all her anger on you. You will see that over time, in the tranquility of her home, she will consider things from another perspective and in the end she will forgive you. You have to be very patient, even at the cost of postponing the wedding ".

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