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Mia looked at Ava and Lily, her eyes filled with tears. She was silent for a moment, her mind trying to process their words. She wanted to believe them, to believe that she wasn't a burden, that they truly wanted to support her.

"Thank you," she finally said, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for... for being there for me. For supporting me."

Ava and Lily gave her a small smile, their hearts filled with relief. "Always, Mia," Ava said, her voice gentle. "We're here for you, always."

As Mia listened to Ava and Lily's words of reassurance, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head. She winced, trying to hide her discomfort from Ava and Lily. She didn't want to worry them further.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Ava," she said, her voice a bit shaky. "I... I should get back to my room."

Before Ava or Lily could respond, Mia quickly got up and hurried to her room. Once inside, she closed the door and leaned against it, her hand going to her head. She searched her room for her medicine, her heart pounding in her chest.

Inside her room, Mia fumbled around, finally finding her medicine in the drawer of her bedside table. She quickly took it, hoping it would help dull the pain. She then sank onto her bed, her body shaking slightly from the pain.

Meanwhile, Ava and Lily were left in the living room, confused and worried about Mia's abrupt departure. They exchanged glances, both of them wondering if they should check on her.

"Should we... should we go check on her?" Lily asked, her voice filled with concern.

Ava nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, we should," she said. "Something's not right."

Ava and Lily made their way to Mia's room, their hearts filled with worry. They knocked on her door, their knocks soft but persistent. "Mia?" Ava called out, her voice filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

Inside her room, Mia heard Ava's voice. She wanted to respond, to assure them that she was okay, but the pain in her head was too overwhelming. She lay on her bed, her body shaking slightly as she waited for the medicine to take effect.

Back outside, Ava and Lily exchanged worried glances. They could hear no response from Mia, and it only served to increase their worry. "Mia?" Lily called out again, her voice louder this time. "Can we come in?"

After receiving no response from Mia, Ava and Lily decided to enter her room. They opened the door slowly, their hearts pounding with worry. The sight that met their eyes made them gasp.

Mia was lying on her bed, her body shaking slightly. She had a hand pressed to her forehead, her face pale and sweaty. She looked up at Ava and Lily, her eyes filled with pain.

"Mia!" Lily exclaimed, rushing to her side. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Mia tried to respond, to reassure them that she was okay, but the pain in her head was too overwhelming. All she could do was give them a weak smile, her hand shaking as she reached out to them.

Seeing Mia in such a state, Ava and Lily sprang into action. Lily stayed by Mia's side, holding her hand and trying to comfort her, while Ava rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Mia, just hang in there," Lily said, her voice filled with worry. "Ava is getting you some water. You're going to be okay."

Mia nodded weakly, her hand gripping Lily's tightly. The pain was slowly starting to subside, but she still felt weak and shaky.

When Ava returned with the water, she and Lily helped Mia sit up and drink. They stayed with her, their presence a comforting presence for Mia.

As Mia slowly regained her strength, Ava and Lily stayed by her side. They watched over her, their concern evident in their eyes. They didn't leave her side until they were sure she was feeling better.

"Mia, you scared us," Ava said, her voice filled with relief. "You should have told us you weren't feeling well."

Mia gave them a weak smile. "I didn't want to worry you," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I thought I could handle it on my own."

Lily shook her head, her gaze steady. "Mia, we're here for you," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "You don't have to go through this alone. We want to support you, no matter what."

Mia looked at Ava and Lily, her eyes filled with gratitude. She was silent for a moment, her mind processing their words. She knew they meant well, knew they wanted to support her. And yet, she couldn't shake off the guilt she felt for worrying them.

"I'm sorry," she finally said, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I... I didn't mean to."

Ava reached out, gently squeezing Mia's hand. "Mia, it's okay," she said, her voice gentle. "We're here for you, no matter what. You don't have to apologize."

Over the next few days, Ava and Lily made sure to keep a close eye on Mia. They checked on her regularly, making sure she was taking her medicine and getting enough rest. They didn't want to take any chances, not after what had happened.

Mia, for her part, was grateful for their support. She knew they were worried about her, and she felt guilty for causing them so much concern. But she also knew that they were there for her, that they cared about her.

"Mia, you know we're here for you, right?" Lily asked one day, her voice filled with concern. "You don't have to go through this alone."

Mia nodded, giving them a small smile. "I know," she said, her voice soft. "And I'm grateful. I really am."

One day, Mia received some news that shook her to her core. She was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer and was advised to undergo surgery. The news hit her like a punch in the gut, leaving her feeling scared and overwhelmed.

She didn't know how to tell Ava and Lily about it. She didn't want to worry them, didn't want to burden them with her problems. But she also knew that she couldn't keep this from them, not when they had been so supportive of her.

"Mia, you need to tell them," her doctor advised her. "They have a right to know. And they can provide you with the support you need."

Mia nodded, her heart heavy with worry. She was scared of the surgery, scared of what might happen. She didn't want her last moments to be in a hospital, under the harsh lights of an operating room. She would rather let the cancer take its course, to live her remaining days as best as she could.

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