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Mia's transformation was remarkable. Not only was she more bubbly and cheerful, but she also became much more talkative. She filled their days with laughter and stories, her words bringing a sense of normalcy that Ava and Lily had missed.

One day, Mia suggested they go on a road trip, like they used to do before. She spoke of the places they could visit, the adventures they could have, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Ava and Lily were taken aback, but they couldn't resist Mia's enthusiasm.

Despite their lingering worry, they agreed to the road trip. They saw it as an opportunity to spend time with Mia, to support her, and to bring some joy into her life. They also hoped that the trip would give them a chance to talk to Mia, to understand her better.

As they embarked on their road trip, Mia was in high spirits. She had brought along her camera and was constantly filming, capturing every moment of their journey. She seemed determined to document their trip, her laughter and enthusiasm infectious.

However, the trip wasn't without its bumps. One day, while they were on the road, Ava and Lily had a small argument. It started over something trivial - the choice of music on the radio. Ava wanted to listen to something upbeat, while Lily preferred something more mellow.

"Why do you always have to control everything?" Lily asked, her voice tinged with frustration. "Can't we just listen to something calming for a change?"

"I'm not controlling anything," Ava retorted, her own frustration rising. "I just thought we could use something fun, something to lift our spirits."

Their argument escalated, their words growing harsher. It was a reflection of the tension and worry they had been feeling, their concern for Mia adding to their stress.

Mia, who had been filming their journey, captured the argument between Ava and Lily. She watched them, her camera forgotten in her hands, as their words grew harsher. She saw the tension between them, the frustration in their voices, and it triggered something in her.

The argument brought back memories of their past fights, of the times when she had felt like a burden to them. She started to worry, her mind filled with questions. Was she causing them stress? Were they arguing because of her?

She didn't want to be a burden to them, not again. She had seen the pain and worry in their eyes during her time in the hospital, and she didn't want to cause them any more distress.

As Ava and Lily's argument escalated, they suddenly noticed Mia. She was sitting quietly in the backseat, her camera forgotten in her lap, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The usual sparkle in her eyes was replaced with a look of sorrow.

The sight of Mia looking so lost and sad immediately put their argument into perspective. They realized that their petty disagreement was causing distress to Mia, who had already been through so much.

"We... we shouldn't have argued," Ava said, her voice filled with regret. "Not here, not now."

Lily nodded, her heart heavy with guilt. "We... we need to be there for Mia," she agreed. "We can't let our disagreements affect her."

As Ava and Lily were expressing their regrets, Mia turned to them. She had heard their conversation and felt the need to reassure them. "It's not your fault," she said, her voice steady. "I'm not stressed because of you. You don't have to walk on eggshells around me."

Ava and Lily were taken aback by Mia's words. They looked at her, their eyes filled with concern. "We just... we don't want to add to your worries, Mia," Ava said, her voice filled with sincerity.

"I know," Mia replied, giving them a small smile. "And I appreciate it. But I also want you to be yourselves. You don't have to hide your disagreements or your frustrations for my sake."

After reassuring Ava and Lily, Mia continued, "I want you both to focus on yourselves more. Don't let my situation make you uncomfortable or change the way you are."

Ava and Lily exchanged glances, taken aback by Mia's words. "But Mia, we care about you," Lily said, her voice filled with concern. "We want to be there for you, to support you."

"I know," Mia replied, giving them a soft smile. "And I appreciate it. But I also don't want you to lose yourselves in the process. I don't want to be the reason for your discomfort or your disagreements."

After their heartfelt conversation, Mia had one more request. "Can we just enjoy this trip?" she asked, her gaze sincere. "Can we just focus on the journey, the adventure, without worrying about me?"

Ava and Lily were silent for a moment, taking in Mia's words. They understood her request. She wanted them to enjoy the trip, to create happy memories, without the cloud of worry hanging over them.

"We can do that, Mia," Ava finally said, giving her a small smile. "We'll enjoy this trip, for all of us."

With Mia's request in mind, Ava and Lily made a conscious effort to enjoy the trip. They focused on the journey, the sights they were seeing, the experiences they were sharing. They laughed, they explored, they created memories - just like Mia wanted.

Despite their worries, they found themselves genuinely enjoying the trip. The open road, the beautiful scenery, the sense of adventure - it was a welcome distraction from the worries and stress they had been dealing with.

Mia seemed to thrive on their happiness. She continued to document their journey, her camera capturing their smiles, their laughter, their shared moments. For the first time in a long time, they felt like their old selves again.

During their road trip, they visited beautiful landscapes, quaint towns, and bustling cities. They shared meals in small diners, sang songs as they drove down the open road, and shared stories under the starlit sky.

One evening, as they sat around a campfire, Ava looked at Mia and said, "You know, this trip has been amazing. It feels like old times."

Mia smiled, her eyes reflecting the flickering flames. "That's what I wanted," she said. "For us to have a good time, to create happy memories."

Lily nodded, a soft smile on her face. "We should do this more often," she suggested. "Not just because of everything that's happened, but because it's good for us. It's good to take a break, to enjoy life."

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