The World we Left Behind

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(ty to my uh-may-zin' proofreader, Star/Effie :D)

(my proofreader proceeded to add this: "Scar should twerk though, please")

(my proofreader is not okay.)

"Grian... Get up..."

Grian sits up, his wings are uncomfortably rested on the dark cobblestone walls of the castle- wait. Castle?

Grian sits up, desperately trying to remember something, anything.

He sighs, looking at the familiar faces around him, Pearl is scanning the walls, Impulse is pacing, Scar is struggling to get the communicator to turn on, and Mumbo. Mumbo is shaking Grian awake, sighing once Grian finally breathes out.

Wait, He was holding his breath? He had not realized.

"Grian, you okay?"

Pearl had abandoned the wall, watching closely, her moth wings fluttering as she lifts Grian up onto his feet.

"I'm fine." Grian sighs.

Where were they?

Scar lets out another sigh of defeat, Impulse had gone over to help him (with no luck it seems) and starts rubbing his temples.

Impulse speaks some incoherent things to Scar, and the elf nods, doing whatever Impulse told him to do, before turning it off, putting his head into his hands.

"Still can't contact anyone?"

Mumbo had turned to the boys, eyebrow arched slightly.

He gets a nod from Impulse.

Grian struggles to regain balance, where was he? Why cannot he remember anything but the people around him and his name? Why a castle of all places? And what was that noise?

Grian turns to see a tattered, monstrous man in what looked like bandages, and his face all out of shape like he was melting.

Grian watched in shock as Impulse wacked the man with a torch on the wall, the man going up in flames, screaming a horrendous scream all the while. The imp shudders, still gripping the torch.

Scar comes over, horror on his face, "What is that?"

"I don't know."

A few hours pass, and a few more "Grunts" (since they make grunting noises), as they decided to call them, show up. Pearl ended up gashing her leg on a loose screw, and Mumbo is helping Impulse patch her up, Grian and Scar are watching if anymore come.

"So, is this all we plan on doing?" Scar finally breaks the silence; he tends to do that.

"I guess," Mumbo mutters in response, "I see no point in going deeper. It might put us in even more danger."

Pearl winces, "What if the exit is down there though?"

"You can't go. Not in this condition." Impulse points to the gash on Pearl's leg.

"I agree!" Grian chimes in, "We should probably stay put."

Mumbo nods, agreeing with the avian's claim.

"But what if Pearl is-" Scar starts, before being cut off by Grian,

"Scar, no. We are to stay put."

"Whatever." Scar slumps down, sighing.

Grian rolls his eyes, he's not awake enough to deal with Scar. Thankfully, the elf seems to have given up on the idea of moving locations. That's good at least.

Grian picks up the torch, hitting another grunt before sitting next to Scar, slumping his head onto the elves surprisingly sturdy, broad shoulder.

Damn, Scar's hot-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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