Chapter 12: The Legends

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I jolt awake from a nightmare, a moment on a loop from a night that feels like a lifetime ago. My eyes fleet to every corner of the room, scouting for any danger. Realizing where I am, my breath finally returns to me and I turn back to the bed I'm sitting beside, a small drool puddle staining the cloth where my head was resting. He's still asleep... But still breathing, thank God. I gaze at his face as he lies unconscious, thinking about what I should do. The village doctor did mention earlier today that speaking to ones in a coma could help them wake up again... Shrugging, I give it a try.

"Hey... it's been... ten days since you, uh... fell asleep. Things have been... okay. I, uh... I have been writing letters to make sure you don't have to miss out on anything. I... Well, the doctor said that uh... talking to you would help? So I figured I could read them to you! Heh... Oh, this one was from the second night. Let's see... I'm just going to, uh... skip over the feelings bits... Trying to stay positive, you know? It was easier when you came around... Cleanup has gotten most of the way through, and now some of the villagers have started rebuilding. They've all... been staying in various other homes that can accommodate them around the area. Everyone is waiting for you, praying for you to come out of this fog..." I read my letters, going off-page to talk more in-depth about certain things I had written, for over two hours. "... I saw a Slothadillo for the first time today. I wonder if you have seen one before, they look so cool... ...There was this Squirbunny that jumped on Odel's head when he chopped down a tree. The poor guy didn't know how to react... ...I met the village Elder, her name is Naori, and she has a lot of cool stories! You should listen to them sometime... ...The reconstruction is moving along nicely, we've gotten about a third of the way done... ...I really miss having you around already, please wake up soon. I should have been there..."

A rapping against the doorframe behind me sends me spinning around, and seeing who it is, I breathe a deep sigh of relief. He speaks to me softly, "Silven? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Joffrey... I'm fine." I reply dishonestly. Marianne pops out from behind Joffrey in the doorway, whispering something to him.

"Marianne thinks it would be good for you to come outside, and... I think it's a good idea too. You haven't come out in almost three days, Sil."

"I can't... I have to stay by Salem. He could wake up at any time, and I don't want him to be alone when he does." I turn my head back to him, his chest shallowly rising and falling as he lays expressionless. I turned back with pools forming in my eyes, "I shouldn't have let him go on his own, but... there was so much happening all around." Tears stream their way down my face, and Joffrey walks over, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, my head resting against his side.

"This isn't your fault... Come on, let's go get some fresh air." He halfway pulls me up, allowing me to draw myself up the rest of the way.

"But what if he wakes up while we're out?"

"Are you sure you want him to see you in this state? When's the last time you've bathed?"

I look down at my dirt-covered clothing and limbs, my tears leaving dark droplet marks on my shirt. With a hesitant sigh, I follow Joffrey and Marianne out the door, shooting one last look at my unconscious friend and wiping my eyes. Under my breath, I mumble, "Wait for me before you wake up, okay Salem?"

Stepping out into the sun, I cover my eyes and take a few minutes to adjust to the large difference in brightness. The village people are full steam ahead on reconstruction, moving large piles of lumber down the road, and others are running tools and different necessities to where they're needed. Joffrey turns back, calling out to me.

"You coming, Sil?"

I shoot one last glance at the makeshift medical hut, twinging at the thought of leaving him, and move to follow Joffrey and Marianne, hollering out, "Yeah, I'm right behind you..."

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