Chapter 13: The Infernian

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A few hours have gone by since the Elder told the King and I that we were Disciples. I've been ordered to stay in bed by Kendrick until my muscle strength returns, which should happen sometime soon. I've been sitting on the edge of the medical bed, looking out the window, staring at nothing. Everyone went to help reconstruction move along, though Silven stayed back for a while, trying to make sure I didn't need anything. It took about thirty minutes to convince him I was okay, that he should be out there helping the others, and he eventually made his way out.

My gaze shifts to my palms, and I stare at the charred spots in the center of each one. That night has been playing through my mind since I woke up. That woman and those two children's expressions just before they're consumed by fire are plastering my mind, I can still distinctly see the woman's arm, reaching for me. I... couldn't save them. I went too far over my limit... Now I have these scars to always force me to remember that night... I... I can't let that happen again. My eyes well up, tears dripping down my cheek, but my body refuses to move or react, no matter how badly I want to throw myself face down into the bed and scream at the top of my lungs, or cry until my eyes dry out. Why... Why does it have to be me? A... Disciple of a Goddess? That's crazy... I can't even protect people... How am I supposed to do anything if I can't even use my Specialty to help...

As my thoughts run rampant through my mind, my sight planted firmly on my palms, two small, frail hands cover the burns, and snap me from my trance. I look up to see Elder Naori in front of me, a concerned smile on her face as she looks up at me. When did she come in...? Did I really not hear her?

"Good afternoon, Salem. How are you feeling?"

I look back at her hands resting on mine, unable to look her in the eye, and shrug my shoulders just barely enough to be noticed. Does she really need to ask me that?

"I heard from Joffrey about what had happened, and I'm sure you must be fighting an impossible battle in your mind. Moments like those will stick with you for the rest of your life, and it's up to you to choose how you will let it affect you. There is no changing how those events happened."

"Mm," I mumble. Of course, I know that. I don't need you to nail that point down further...

"May I tell you about the Legend of Deltania?"

I shrug, which she takes as enough of an affirmative response.

"Deltania was the strongest of the Goddesses. Since she possessed the ability to control energy, she realized she could stockpile it within herself, and unleash as much she had contained, as she wanted, when she wanted. The gems the Goddesses created, not only did they shape the planet, but each gem sowed deep lifelines throughout the planet, growing stronger. Deltania learned her gift had blessed her with youth, appearing years younger than any of her sisters upon reaching adulthood, and she could tap into the power the gems have been depositing into the planet and use herself as a conduit, releasing unimaginable amounts of strength in a single blow. Some say she could punch through mountains. There are only a handful of records of what happened to her after that, some say she went mad, and others depict her leaving the planet thanks to her near-endless energy supply. But the only thing known for sure... is that one day she disappeared without a trace."

I lift my gaze, finally making eye contact with the Elder, and my words come out as hardly a whisper, "What's that have to do with me?"

"Well, as much as our Legends tell of the incredible feats that these Goddesses have laid upon the land, they were still regular people, with all of their emotions, struggles, passions, and relations, just like you. I believe Deltania reached a point where she couldn't handle the pressure of her powers, and that was her reason for disappearing."

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