Chapter 8: The Field

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Oswin's mind replayed the last part of the memory over and over in his head. "You can trust her..." he mutters to himself. She said it so matter of factly, I almost thought she was speaking to me... He scratches his head, yanking his hair enough to feel a slight sting, as frustration begins to set in. I need to know who she's talking about. Oswin scrambles forward and begins grabbing paper after paper, throwing each one off to the side in disappointment, as he searches for the same zapping sensation as before. Scrolls and notebooks scatter the floor as he slumps back onto his rear. I've looked through everything here, damn it all... he looks around at the mess he's made. I... should probably clean this up. He slowly files all of the different stationery back onto the shelf, and as he's about halfway through the pile, his foot gently begins tingling, like a small current of electricity. He swings back around and sees his foot resting on a tattered notebook. He swivels around and cautiously slips his fingers underneath either side, gingerly picking it up to avoid any damage. Taking care, he sits back and opens to the first page. Just as soon as he reads the first word, a sharp pulse through his head causes him to keel forward, eyes squeezing shut.

The sensation leaves just as soon as it comes and he lifts his head back up, eyes squinting as bright light sears into them. Why am I being blinded by the sun all of a sudden? As his eyes adjust, a small waving field of tall, golden, aged grass stands before him. A large gnarled tree is just ahead. Wait... why does this place seem familiar? Where am I even? Suddenly two older girls run past him, startling him. Is this another memory? Whose is it this time?

"Nephele! Are you coming or not?" The larger one shouts behind herself, springing twenty feet into the air toward the highest branches of the tree. Isn't that one of the girls' names from the last memory? Are these the same girls? They must've grown a few years. So that one has a Specialty... Interesting. It looks rather useful.

"Right! Sorry, Aisha!" The words come out of Nephele's mouth, Oswin hearing her voice reverberating like it was his own in his head. That is something I don't think I'll get used to. So... it is the same ones as before... Nephele takes off running, and a burst of wind behind her lifts her up into the sky. She soars through the air toward the branch near Aisha. Oh, my Gods, this child has a Specialty as well? One so powerful? Landing elegantly on the branch, Nephele and Aisha look down at the auburn-haired girl on the ground by the trunk below.

"Okay, Tesni! Do it now!" Aisha hollers down. Tesni nods and begins sweeping her foot elegantly in the dirt as she rounds the base, almost as if it were a dance. Her feet dig in forcefully enough that her metal-tipped boots kick up sparks as they scratch against hard surfaces in the soil. What is she doing? She continues doing spins as she goes around the trunk of the tree, planting the leading foot down and spinning with the other. More sparks fly into the air, but on closer examination, it occurs to Oswin, Wait... are those sparks... frozen? As Tesni rounds the tree completely, she kicks off the ground, hopping high into the air, and flipping back onto the lowest branch. The sparks, each one floating delicately in place, form a glowing blossom surrounding the base of the tree from above. Tesni extends her hand and snaps, each spark spewing a jet of fire, scorching every blade of grass in a 200-foot radius, a roaring inferno surrounding the tree, smoke billowing into the sky. Just as soon as the fire cuts down the field, a downpour of rain falls from the sky. Wait, why is none of this water falling on us? Almost as if Oswin willed it himself, Nephele looks upward, to see an umbrella of air that she must be creating herself. These girls are incredible... How could they have so accurately predicted the storm? I was blinded by the sun just a few minutes ago... where did the clouds come from? Just as soon as the fire started, the rainfall extinguished it, leaving a large circle of wet ash surrounding the tree. That was immaculate! Such a wonderful use of Specialties! In the distance, two more girls break through the still-standing grass into the ring and they begin making their way to the tree.

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