Chapter 2

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PE just started and today we're playing dodgeball to warm up. There are two teams. And of course since Aiden and Josh picked teams we got picked last. Josh is Aiden's best friend and also a jock, just super nice and sweet. I don't get how Aiden is more popular with the girls than Josh, he's a sweetheart.

He's pretty much the only one of their group who isn't an asshole

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He's pretty much the only one of their group who isn't an asshole. Ben and I are on his team, while Lauren is on Aiden's team. But what they don't know is that my senses are way better than before. Like I said I'm faster and my reaction time is advanced too. Not to mention that I have full control over my body now. So dodging their balls and hitting them with mine will be easy.

"You're dead, losers." Aiden says to us with a grin, on which I roll my eyes. "Let's see if you're this confident after you lose." I talk back to him, which makes Josh chuckle. "Shut up." Aiden growls before turning around to grab a ball. Josh walks over to me. "Try to ignore him. He's like that at practice too." He tries to reassure me and I smile at that. "It's okay, I'm used to his attitude."


We've been playing for a while and mostly everybody of both teams are out. The only ones left in Aiden's team is himself and one other guys and in Josh's is also himself and me.

I got a weird feeling as I'm faced away from Aiden, to dodge a throw from the other guy. So I quickly turn around to look at Aiden, who just then throws a ball at me. But I quickly catch it and then throw it back at the other guy. I hit him, which makes him leave the field and Josh high fives me at that. Now it's only Aiden.

I grin at him while raising my eyebrows, which makes Aiden clench his jaw angrily. Then he grabs the ball from the floor and gets ready to throw it at me. But somehow the ball slips off his hand slightly and is now flying towards Samantha's face, who's standing behind me, out of the field. On that I quickly run over to her and catch the ball with my right hand, right in front of her face. Everyone gasps shocked as Samantha flinches while her eyes go wide.

"You okay?" I ask immediately and she only manages to nod. This is the first time she interacted with me and I hate that it's a situation like this. Then I turn to face Aiden. "Maybe try to hit the players inside the game next time and not your sister." I tell him before throwing the ball at him, hitting him in the stomach. My team cheers at that and I can't help but blush embarrassedly at that. Aiden just glares at me before walking off.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Ben exclaims as he walks over to me. I can't help but chuckle at his reaction. "And hey, you talked with Samantha." He whispers while playfully bumping his shoulder into mine. I get flustered at that. "I just asked if she's okay, nothing exciting." I mumble with a shrug. "Well you did save her from getting hit by the ball." Ben adds with a grin, which makes me snort. "You watch too many romance movies."


PE is now over and we're back in the change room. Mostly everyone already left, including Lauren, but I'm still there. My next class got cancelled and I don't know where to go yet, so I'm just packing my stuff slowly.

"Don't you have to go to class?" I suddenly hear Samantha ask, which makes me spin around to face her. I'm only in my sports bra and my baggy jeans right now. " class got cancelled, so nope." I answer with a shrug before grabbing my dark blue hoodie and putting it on. "You're in English AP too?" She asks and I nod as I grab my backpack. "Good to know." Samantha says slowly before walking past me and leaving the change room.

Okay..this was strange. I nearly thought she's going to ask me to hang out.

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