Chapter 5

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We just arrived at Samantha's house and holy shit, it's huge! "You can close your mouth now." Samantha jokes as we walk inside the living room. I quickly do so while turning red from embarrassment.

"My parents aren't home, so we can work here." She says while sitting down at the huge dinner table. I go to sit down across from her. "Should we start with a sketch?"


Around an hour has passed and we just finished the sketch for our house. At first, when I got paired up with Samantha, I thought I would do most of the work but that wasn't the case at all. Turns out Samantha is super talented when it comes to art.

We're now taking a break, sitting on the couch, just talking. It's crazy and surprising how much we have in common. She's also a big music fan and loves to sing and dance. Not to mention that she's a gamer?! This crush won't be getting away because she's even more awesome than I imagined!

"You're really talented, you know that? I mean that sketch looked great." I tell her while leaning back against the couch. I can see her blush at that. "I'm okay, I guess." Samantha answers with a small shrug, leaning back against the couch as well. "You're not what I thought you would be." She speaks up after a few seconds of silence.

I can't help but snort at that. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow curiously. "Well how am I?" I ask curiously. She chuckles at that but then goes silent. "To be honest, now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know." Samantha starts, making me snort. "What? I mostly only know you because my brother doesn't like you!" She whines while covering her face with her hands.

"I don't get what he has against me. I never did anything to him!" I groan annoyed. At that she removes her hands again. "I don't get it either. Maybe he likes you." I can't help but laugh at her words. "God, I hope not." I exclaim with big eyes. "No offense." I add, which makes her chuckle. "None taken."

But then we suddenly hear the front door open. After a few seconds a woman walks in. "Oh hello, you're new." She says with a polite smile. Samantha sits up straight. ", this is Luz." she introduces me to her mother.

My eyes slightly widen at that and I sit up straight as well

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My eyes slightly widen at that and I sit up straight as well. "Nice to meet you, ma'am." I say quickly, making both Samantha and her mom chuckle. I immediately turn red at that embarrassedly.

"Nice to meet you too, sweetie." Samantha's mom says with a warm smile before waking into the kitchen. My mommy issues are screaming right now!

"I was about to go to the mall, since I need some things. Do you girls want to join?" She asks, on which I look at Samantha, who's already looking at me. She gives me a shrug with a small smile. "Sure." I answer as I turn to her mom with a smile. In the corner of my eye I can see Samantha's smile widen a little, but quickly tries to hide it again.

"Then let's go." Mrs. White says while grabbing her keys and making her way to the front door. But right then the door springs open and Aiden walks in, clearly upset. "You!" He points at me while storming towards me. "Aiden, calm down!" Samantha exclaims, quickly getting up and stepping in front of him, stopping him from getting too close to me.

"No! I don't want this dyke in my house!" He yells and my heart sinks into my stomach at that. It's been a long time since I got called that slur. "Aiden! That's enough!" Mrs. White tells him but I don't even think about listening to what they're saying.

"I should go." I manage to get out while getting up from the couch. "It was nice meeting you, Mrs. White." I say and give her a small smile. "I guess I'll see you in school." I mumble to Samantha while grabbing my backpack and my helmet before leaving.

This day started so good and ended so badly.

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