Imagine: Taeyang Love Story (ft. You!!)

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You just spent a nice and relaxing day shopping at COEX Mall in South Korea. There are butterflies in your stomach as you think about the upcoming events tonight. Today was yours and Taeyang's 2 year anniversary and he had planned a nice dinner for the two of you at his apartment. Just thinking about spending the night with him alone, made your heart flutter. With his busy schedule, you barely had time to see each other without getting interrupted.

As you cut through the park, you headed towards the alleyway near your apartment. It was a secret shortcut to your apartment where you could avoid any run-ins with the paparazzi. Halfway through the alleyway, you hear a loud crash behind you. Quickly, you whip your head around but there's no one behind you. "Stupid alley cats," you think silently to yourself. Turning around, you start towards your apartment once again. Suddenly, someone grabs your shopping bag and throws it on the ground.

"Hey! What the heck do you think you're doi-." Before you can finish your sentence, you receive a swift slap across the face. The blow was not hard enough to knock you down but it caused you to stagger a bit. As quickly as the first blow came, a second followed but this time it was a hard kick to the stomach. Doubling over in pain, you lash out blindly at your attacker.

Two pairs of hands grabbed each of your arms and pinned you against the wall. "Is it her?" One of your captors ask. A voice behind you replies "yep it's the bitch we were looking for." You look up and see three girls about your age glaring at you. The two girls who were holding you put more pressure on you as you tried to free yourself. "Crazy fan girls again?!" You thought silently.

The lead girl, who was now in front of you grabbed your chin in her hands and whispered "how have you been lately (Y/N)? I bet you're MIGHTY happy with Taeyang huh? Well guess what? You aren't meant to be together!! You're absolutely ruining his career. Now he has to dote on a slut like you instead of focusing on his music. Even his fellow bandmates from Big Bang think you're a nuisance. So why don't you just get lost?!" You are appalled at how these girls are treating you because of their petty little crushes on your boyfriend. "I don't want to fight. I can't help that me and Taeyang are in love so please just let me go," you plead.

"Oh you started the fight when you started dating Taeyang! Leave our man alone. He doesn't need you in his life. He already has enough stress without having to worry about his stupid little girlfriend," she hissed. She turned to one of her comrades and said "Yuri do you have the rope?" Yuri nodded and motioned to her to grab it out of her back pocket.

Soon enough they had your hands tied up and your mouth gagged. They tied you to the nearby water pipes behind the large trash cans. You watched helplessly as they went through your purse and took shopping load. "Oh and this?" The lead girl said while holding up your phone, "you won't be needing it anytime soon." She raised her hand and brought threw the phone to the cement. Pieces of your phone flew everywhere and one hit you across the face and cut you slightly. The girls laughed cruelly and left the alleyway.

You struggled to get out of your tight bonds but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't undo the ropes. The sun began to fall and the summer night became a bit chillier. You shivered, for you were not well suited for a chilly summer night with your shorts and tank top on. As you sat there, trapped, you began wondering if what the girls said was true. It was true how now Taeyang had to worry about you and his career. But did you really stress him out that much? Finally you decided that they were right. If you and Taeyang had never dated this would've never happened. Instead of being tied up in an alleyway, you would be home safe and sound. And instead of getting ready for an anniversary dinner, Taeyang could be back at the studio practicing with GD, Top, Seungri, and Daesung. In the end, it was all your fault.

As soon as you thought things couldn't get any worse than they already were, you heard a rumble of thunder. You had a phobia of thunderstorms which didn't make matters better. Soon the rhythmic patter of rain came down on the streets. In a matter of minutes you were drenched from head to toe. A flash of lighting made you jump. A sense of pure loneliness and fear made your eyes tear up. Tears started to stream down your face as you desperately tried to call for help. Of course nobody heard you as they were safe inside away from the thunder storm.

You strained against the ropes in attempts to free yourself that all ended in vain. All that earned you was more scrapes and bruises. Finally, you gave up and cried as no sign of help came your way. Seeking what little shelter you had, you tried to shield yourself from the rain.

The moon was high in the sky a few hours later and the rain didn't seem it was going to let up anytime soon. "Happy anniversary (Y/N)," you thought to yourself. Some great day this turned out to be. You wondered what Taeyang was doing this instant. Was he wondering why you were so late for your dinner? Had he given up and went back to the studio? "I wish you were here babe. I need you," you said mentally hoping that somehow your message would reach him.

After another hour of waiting in the rain, you were at your breaking point. Suddenly, you heard a faint noise. You listened closely and you were able to make out the words "(Y/N)!!! Babe where are you?! Helloo?! (Y/N) please I need to know you're ok!" You saw a beam of light and you made out a figure on the street. It was Taeyang! You had never been so happy to see someone in your whole life. You thrashed and kicked, trying to free yourself. You kicked the trash cans which made a racket. Taeyang turned towards the alley. "(Y/N)? Is that you?"

You made the most noise you could possibly make with the gag in your mouth. Taeyang quickly ran over to you. "(Y/N)! What happened to you?! Who did this?" A worried and pained look came across his face. He quickly untied the ropes and removed the gag. You gasped and buried your head into his chest. He hugged you tightly and smoothed your hair as you sobbed into his arms. "Sshhh it's ok I'm here now. Babe don't worry. I gotchu and you're safe in my arms now."

Finally, you were able to speak again and you retold the whole story to him. "How dare they do that to you?! No one touches my girl except for me. And don't worry! I would give up anything for you. Even my career. You don't stress me out. You're the only thing that helps me not lose myself. You're my savior and paradise. I NEED you by my side. I love you." You smiled as your heard these words. Leaning up, you kissed him softly. He held you tightly and kissed you back as if his life depended on it.

He brought you back to his apartment and helped you clean yourself up. The dinner went on as planned and you couldn't have asked for a better night. You spent the night, with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. For once, you felt safe and you trusted him with all of your heart. You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend in the whole entire world. <3

The end.

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