👑Chapter Eighteen👑

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Annie's luxurious chamber was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, casting a silvery sheen on the satin sheets that enveloped her like a cocoon. She lay on her back, her hands clasped together on her chest, staring at the ceiling like a sleeping beauty waiting for her prince.

She closed her eyes and tried to clear her thoughts, but all she could see was the image of her having a conversation with Felix and his sceptical questions. Annie shivered and pulled the sheets tighter around her. She tried to chase it away, but it refused to be silenced. She tossed and turned, her mind racing and her heart pounding.

"Felix's sudden visit has left me feeling unsettled," she mused, her fingers tracing the delicate pattern on the bedspread. "There was a tension in his voice, a guardedness in his demeanour that I couldn't quite shake off."

⟪ Finally, I gave up and got out of bed. I walked to the balcony and looked out at the night sky. The stars were twinkling brightly, and the moon was full. It was a beautiful night, but I felt no sense of peace or tranquillity. I placed my elbows on the railing and looked down, thinking about jumping from the balcony and running away. It would be impossible to live after that. But then I released a deep sigh and thought about my father, Edward. I loved him more than anything in the world. I couldn't help but feel the tears rolling down my cheeks unconsciously, like I had been holding back for so long.⟫

"Tears!, Why am I crying?" She whispered into the night, her voice barely audible against the gentle rustle of the leaves. "Why do I feel this way, like I've lost something precious?"

She didn't let herself give up on the storm of sad emotions; instead, she wiped her tears away and said, "Everything will be alright; soon things will settle down," in an attempt to calm down.

She took steps back, headed to her bed, closed her eyes, and tried to sleep, not letting herself be drawn into the emptiness she had felt.


Marie and Lina meandered through the dark, grand corridors, holding a chamber stick to light their way. A sense of unease enveloped them like a delicate veil, gradually intensifying as they neared Flora's room. The  wooden door stood before them, casting an uncomfortable feeling on them.

Marie glanced at Lina, whose stoic expression betrayed the inner turmoil. They shared an unspoken understanding, as Lina was planning to knock on the door.

With a gentle knock, the door swung open, revealing the elegant yet stern figure of Flora. Her eyes, usually sharp and piercing, softened momentarily at the sight of the two maids.

"Madam Flora," Marie began, her voice carrying a sense of respect and hesitation. "We came to converse on an important subject, can we?"

Flora nodded without altering a single word, which pushed Liana to take the lead in the conversation.

Lina: "We have come to plead for Alice. She took responsibility for what happened with Lady Annie, and we believe she has learned from her mistake."

Marie, usually reserved, added, "Madam, Alice is an exceptional maid. Her dedication to her duties is unwavering. You're the one who taught us; you know her more than anybody else. We implore you to reconsider her punishment. She is remorseful, and we are confident that she will be more vigilant in the future."

Flora remained calm and regarded them with a measured gaze. She talked with a voice tinged with empathy: "You both have been loyal and diligent in your service. I appreciate your plea on behalf of Alice. However, consequences are a part of learning, and Alice must understand that."

Marie and Lina exchanged a glance, their hearts sinking. They had hoped for a more lenient outcome, but Flora's words were not what they had wished for.

Lina's eyes flickered with disappointment, but she maintained her composure. "Madam Flora! We respect your decision, but we believe that Alice should not face severe consequences for the actions of someone who acted recklessly and a guest who might not be staying for long."

Marie nodded in agreement: "Indeed, Alice was beaten up, and she is locked out in her room... This is too much."

Flora sighed, a mixture of sternness and anger: "Know your places! ... You don't know anything; otherwise, you wouldn't speak carelessly like that. You'll continue serving Miss Annie with your mouths shut. The coming days will reveal the position for whom you're serving."

The maids were surprised by Flora's unexpected response, which caused them to flinch. They had hoped that Flora would defend their honour as skilled maids who had served Annie, a girl who came from nowhere and caused trouble without caring about the consequences, leaving them in a difficult situation.

"But Madam Flora..." Marie began, her voice trembling.

Flora cut her off with a sharp glare. "No buts, Marie! I have made my decision, and it is final. Alice will remain locked in her room until further notice. And you two will continue to serve Miss Annie with respect and without question. Do I make myself clear?"

Marie and Lina nodded silently, their heads bowed in submission. They knew no good from arguing with Flora when she was in this mood.

"Good," Flora said, her voice softening slightly. "Now go back to your rooms... No more wasting time."

As Marie and Lina turned to leave, their footsteps echoing in the grand hallway, a sense of dread settled in their hearts. Flora's words left them in a daze.

The overwhelming sense of injustice that consumed them was impossible. In their minds, if Alice, a fellow maid who had always been loyal and hardworking, could be punished so severely for a minor mistake, then what was to stop Flora from doing the same to them? The thought sent shivers down their spines, making them feel as if their jobs and reputations were hanging by a thread.

The night had been long and arduous, and as the sun began to rise, Alice found herself alone in her room, locked away from the rest of the world. Tears had dried on her face, leaving behind faint streaks, and her untouched dinner tray lay on the floor.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, casting dancing shadows across the room, Alice's gaze fell upon the red marks on her legs, a stark reminder of the harsh punishment she had endured because of Annie. A wave of anger washed over her. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, as she remembered the image of Annie playing innocently in her mind.

She muttered to herself, her voice filled with determination. "I'll make sure she pays for what she's done."

while, The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, gently rousing Annie from her uneasy sleep. Her chamber, once bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, now embraces the morning sun with warmth. Annie stretched, the satin sheets sliding off her. Just as she was about to sink back into the restless embrace of sleep, a sharp knock echoed through the room.

As the door swung open, Flora stepped into the chamber, her stern features softening as they were illuminated by the gentle, golden glow of the rising sun.

"Good morning, Lady Annie," Flora greeted with an exaggerated sweetness to cover her ruined mood from last night.

Annie groggily rubbed her eyes, offering a mumbled response, "Morning, Flora."

Flora replayed. "Indeed, Lady Annie. Today is a special day for you. Your education is about to commence."

Annie groaned, her head pounding from a restless night. "Educators? Can't they wait? It's too early for this."

Flora was not someone who would tolerate any excuses. With determination, her eyes narrowed as she observed Annie's dishevelled state. "Miss Annie, this is not the time for complaints. You need to be prepared for your lessons."

Annie, still half asleep, answered with a yawn, "Lessons, yes. Can you give me lessons on how to sleep properly since you have ones for eating? I could use that."

Flora sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Miss Annie, you are now under the care of the King. Proper education is a necessity. The tutors have been carefully selected to provide you with the knowledge befitting your new position."

Annie, now sitting up in bed, couldn't help but mutter sarcastically, "Ah, yes, my new position as the adopted daughter of the King, that I don't want to be... How could I forget?"

Flora raised an eyebrow and, unamused, replied, "You should not forget, Miss Annie. It's a responsibility that requires a certain level of education and decorum."

Annie couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with the king as she went through her morning routine. Being the ruler's adopted daughter felt like a heavy burden, and she started to realise that it came with the need for a specialised education that was different from her usual carefree life.

Entering the study, Annie was met by a group of serious-looking educators who seemed curious and expectant. Flora, who was standing next to Annie, coughed and talked.

"Miss Annie, meet your educators. They will guide you through the curriculum required for your new role. Please take this matter with the seriousness it deserves."

Annie, still drowsy, nodded in agreement as the educators laid out the day's lessons. Her mind drifted, struggling to accept the new realities of her life as a princess. The carefree days of her past were fading into a distant dream, replaced by the weight of responsibility and the constraints of her new position.

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