👑 Chapter Twenty-two 👑

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Annie found herself weaving through the sea of people's feet, caught in a situation where she had to make a swift exit from a place that had descended into chaos. Although she was hesitant to leave, she realised that she had no other option.

She whispered to herself in an attempt to reduce her hesitation, "It'll only be for a short while. I'll be back before Felix even notices."

As she wandered the festival stalls, driven by her insatiable thirst for adventure, her curiosity was piqued by a narrow, dark alleyway that seemed to beckon her to explore it. Despite feeling a little uncertain, she couldn't resist the allure and ventured into it alone.

Stepping into the alleyway was like diving into a cold, linked well. A place separated from the colourful, cheerful festival, it was like a passage to a dark realm behind. As she walked, the eerie silence sent chills down her spine with each echoing step.

Annie came across a worn-out sign that said, "See Your Future." Interested, she stepped inside, and the creaky door announced her arrival. The interior was dimly lit, and the cluttered space was filled with an assortment of strange objects, making it quite challenging to navigate without accidentally colliding with something. shelves lined with mysterious jars containing various soaked substances, while the air was thick with dust and a peculiar scent.

Annie tentatively explored, her fingers moving swiftly to sense every corner of the room. As a glint of light caught her eye, she turned around to gaze at a neglected crystal ball placed on the counter. She was tempted to touch it, but an old woman descended a rickety staircase. Her eyes bore into Annie's with stern intensity.

As her hand hovered over its smooth surface, a shadow fell across her. "Touch nothing, young lady!" The old woman's voice, raspy and laced with an exaggerated accent, echoed through the room. Her eyes, like chips of obsidian, locked onto Annie's with a chilling intensity. "The Crystal Ball is not a toy, nor is it a spectacle for the curious."

As Annie turned her back to face the old woman, her hand inadvertently brushed against the ball, breaking it into several shards that glittered like tears on the dusty floor. Annie was startled, leaving her momentarily taken aback.

⟪ There was an awkward silence that enveloped the room. My mind went blank; I couldn't think of something to get out of here. As I looked at her, I couldn't help but notice the way her nose seemed to curve ever so slightly, like a sickle. It seemed that the wrinkles occupied all of her face.⟫

Before Annie could have the opportunity to explain, there was a sudden movement. With the speed of a lightning flash, the old woman raised her hand, her gnarled fingers twisting in the air. The door, which had been stubbornly ajar just moments ago, slammed shut with a bone-jarring thud. Shadows flickered on the walls as the heavy curtains draped over the windows slid closed, engulfing the room in pitch darkness.

Panic turned to terror, and Annie felt like a cold hand squeezed her heart, but the darkness wasn't the only thing that terrified her. The sudden shift, the crackle of unseen energy, and the not-understood whispers of something far more menacing.

"It is a witch! She will transfer me into a frog."Annie fell into her silent thought, unable to speak.

Then came a flicker of light. A single candle, perched precariously on a dusty shelf, sputtered to life. Its meagre flame did little to dispel the darkness. But it did reveal the old woman standing before Annie, her face bathed in the flickering orange glow.

She was frozen in place and could only stare in terror as the old woman took a step closer. Anne covered her eyes, sensing the impending threat, and screamed, "Please, don't turn me into a frog or an insect!"

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