Untitled Part 7

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Natsu's POV

I can't sleep and I can't hunt and I hate to admit it but I feel weaker every passing hour. I have made it to the half of the hike, but my tempo is slow. I have these disgusting heat waves from time to time that make moving completely impossible. I should've bought Happy with me, I can't even walk on a flat surface, but these mountains are draining me. Oh, and the itsy-pitsy, tiny little feeling in my gut that makes me want to transform into E.N.D, fly straight to Lucy - about two days journey -, burn everything living and rape Lucy hard. Yes, most of my energy goes to block the demanding thoughts.

I've been awake from the moment I woke up at Lucys. Real Lucys, I mean. Seductive Lucy is with me everywhere. The second I doze off, she's there spreading her legs, arching her back, moaning. Letting me do anything with her. Things I'd like to do to her, things I'd want her to enjoy, things that are very inappropriate for fragile girls. Not that Lucy is fragile, no. She's the toughest woman I know. But sometimes in the dreams, I'm a bit hard on her. I would bite and claw her and after admire the outcome of bruises and cuts. I know it's wrong to act like that without even asking her permission, but I just can't stop myself. Not until I have marked her. I can never mark Seductive Lucy. She doesn't let me bite her neck - the place I long ago chose to mark. It's killing me.

But at the same time, I'm glad I'm here, away from her, because I think I would take her without asking. I almost wish I had marked her when I had the chance at her bed. Well, I do wish that. After that I would've taken her too, of course, but maybe a little more gently.

I should've went away sooner too, now I barely have energy to move to the dark guild. I still have to walk for 5 hours. And I can't eat the food I packed, cause if I do I might get too much energy and submit to the season, but if I don't eat enough I might collapse and lose my control completely. I force myself to eat every once in a while, then I make myself run as fast as I can so I wouldn't feel too powerful. Is that what's called an eating disorder? To be afraid of eating and still know that you will collapse without it. Lucy said something about it when we were on some kind of teenager helping job or something. Oh, Lucy. If I could have you. If only I was already at the dark guild, I could set all my thoughts free because I 'd simply be too weak to transform. Ahh, heck, I forgot, I have to walk to the cave too, before taking the potion. Ughh.

I should've realized that the season was starting when I was in the bed of hers. I had thought that it would be nice to mark her, come on Natsu. There isn't a clearer hint. But I remember I had tried to reassure myself that the thought had hit me on numerous occasions through the years, not even near the season. Stupid, stupid.

It's good to insult myself. It consumes my thoughts enough to forget the constant hard on I have. I'd like to have Gray here so I could insult him in real life and piss him off so we could fight, let off some steam and of course show Gray where his place is. I smirked at the thought, I'd totally beat his ass. I mean, it's not his fault he is such a dumbass, he is even doing pretty good for a brain the size of a peanut. Hahah, the size of a peanut. Maybe even less, like a, like the world's tiniest ice cube. Hahah, and when it melts, it's even smaller. Right, ice is bigger than water, right? Or was it the opposite?

Yeah, insulting Gray is way better, but I get bored with it fast because his dumb ears don't hear it. What a jerkface! Can't even hear a simple insult!

I've been here so many times, I don't even carry a map around anymore. When I finally arrive at the dark guild, I barely have any strength to burst through their doors. I just do it, it seems to annoy them, that's why. The weird lettuce haired guy - hahaha every time I see him, I almost pee my pants from laughing at his hair - steps towards me from a dark alley. What's with dark guilds always leaving their houses unlit? It's like they enjoy fumbling onto their furniture. Hmm, they usually don't have a lot of furniture though. Oh god, they're so poor they can't afford normal furniture? Poor things! That must be why they're so parsimonious with the lights also. Then I can take this as a charity event.

I throw the moneybag at him and say "For furniture and light bulbs. Now get me the Weirdo-Weirdo-Somethingu-Somethingu potions." I use two of them now. I know it's an overkill, but without it I'm afraid I'd be short.

Three years ago I got a lot of money and decided to buy two so I wouldn't have to gather jewels the next year, but that year the potions effect wore off a few hours before the season stopped. Just the hours needed for me to transform, fly to Fiore, find Lucy and collapse from the pain of failing the season. The days after it were a bliss, everyone thought I was sick or something so Wendy healed my pain every day and I don't know how I managed to do it, but I got Lucy to cuddle with me every second she was home. She would read her book for hours and I'd wonder where my headache went. And when the pain worsened she'd nuzzle real close to me, like as close as she could get, and draw circles with her fingers to my bare skin. It's the only season when I have managed without painkillers. I could hold her every day and I could touch her and she'd let me be so incredibly close to her that I could've marked her. She must've known that. So she wants me to mark her! Right! I can mark her, she's basically given her consent.

"You're early, gaan-gstah!" Lettucehead intruded my train of thoughts waking me up again - Lucy has to announce herself completely mine and understand what it'd mean, before I could make her mine. The guy swirled his hands around to make the coming question more dramatic: "what if we don't have it right now?"

"Are you serious?" Shit! They don't have it? What do I do???

"Yes, gangsta," some more hand swirling,"but our gang might be able to get it for another 10 000 jewels, gang." said the man without hesitation.

But I don't have that kind of money, it was hard enough to get the money for the potions and the painkillers. "Maaan, what happened to our fixed price?" They've gotten so much money from me that calculating that would make me sick. Though, any calculus makes me puke. They're not good people either, I can see it in their eyes, if I had a better solution, I'd take it anytime. Once I talked to Gildharts about the Weirdo-Weirdo-Somethingu-Somethingu potion and where to get it, but he got mad at me for some reason, said that there's a reason it is illegal and that I shouldn't cheat magic. I still don't understand to this day why he got so angry.

Anyways, I don't like this guild. It used to attack us regularly and they were quite strong. I mean Fairy Tail could get them beat up anytime, but it was still a struggle. And they still tried to hurt my friends. Back then I was a lot weaker too of course. But I try to remind myself that it doesn't matter anymore. For every time they tried to hurt Fairy Tail, I have kicked their ass hard, so now it's just business. I won't take revenge. It looks like they finally learned since they have not attacked us in a while.

"The price is the same, gangstaah, if you come at the right time, like the deal arranged. But it looks like you, GANG, came here a week before we had agreed." He said happily, obviously couldn't hold his excitement covered as he finally twirled around me. "So I can't quite give those to you, gang, ga-ang, ga-ah-ah-ang!"

Agh, crap! I can't fight him into giving me the potions, not in this state I am, maybe I should offer the painkillers money. No! But I need the potion now. Okay, painkillers go. "I have only 5000 jewels, can't we make a deal?"

"Hmm, maybe, you already deep clean our guild, right gang? I don't know if you have much more to offer," the Lettucehead playfully put his witchlike finger to his chin, thinking what kind of ridiculous things I should do before getting the potion.

Agh, it's so hard to control the season this year. I need the potion NOW. It feels hot here. I dropped my bag and growled loudly, heat radiating from my body. Lettucehead yelled in surprise. Oh, and would you look at that, the flames got out. When I raised my gaze to him, he looked terrified. Maybe I could fight such a coward, he'd be done for in two punches. Ahh, the heat. E.N.D. No! Lucy needs to stay safe!

"You know what, gangsta? The 5000 jewels will do just fine."

Great! I reach down to my bag decorating the bag with burning marks - good that it's fire resistant - and take out the money patch, it lights to fire around the corners so the Lettucehead has to jump around and blow at it to not burn himself shouting "GANG!GANG!" for whatever reason. The guy is fine, I guess, what can such a low heat fire do, huh? It's almost red. What a crybaby!

"Aagh, I'll be back with the potions shortly, gangsta!" As I watched him run away with his hands above his head - what a weirdo - I crouched over, the knot in my stomach growing. Trying my best to stay here, in control. Lucy, could you just be mine? Do you miss me like I miss you? I can't do this anymore

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