Untitled Part 8

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Lucy POV

As soon as I heard Juvia and Gray leave, I walked up the stairs to meet Juvia's landlord. You see, after Gray had asked Juvia out, she had dragged me to her place. Literally giving no shit what my opinion on the matter was. Well, I didn't mind too much, she's my friend after all and I am happy to help however I can whatever the situation.

And I was curious too. I mean, they have been on dates, Gray wouldn't call them that, but they were always arranged by Juvia. They've also taken countless jobs together and even lived together, but Gray has never been so romantic to ask her out, officially. Now, what really, REALLY, shocked me was the fact that Gray had chosen a theme for their date. Pride and Prejudice. How romantic is that? Natsu could never. He wouldn't even think it's a title of a book, he'd think it's a dark guilds name or something. And to think that Gray has read it. It's even funny, I think as I chuckle to myself. Oops, I can never tell Natsu, he will pester him for months about it and Gray will never do anything like that again. Uuh, but maybe, I can blackmail Gray into doing something for me if I don't tell Natsu.

Funny enough, Juvia had not read the book. She was super embarrassed when asking me to give her a brief summary and an analysis of the book. Basically, we discussed for 2 hours the matters of Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley - yes, him too, although it is obvious Gray would be Mr. Darcy if he had to choose. I summoned cancer to do her hair and got her a dress suiting the time "Pride and Prejudice" was written in.

Suddenly, it was half an hour before six, the hair had got messed up when putting the dress on, cancer had already disappeared so I helped her adjust it. And then, after I had been so nice and supportive towards her and all, she said that I can't leave before she and Gray do, otherwise Gray would most likely see me in her neighbourhood and understand that Juvia didn't read the book and I had to fill her gaps. Gray wouldn't analyse their date like that anyway! It's stupid, but I had agreed, 'cause after all it doesn't make much difference if I leave half an hour earlier or later.

She went to ask another key from her landlord (who is bedsick and couldn't move) when she stopped, blushed and said, "Gray-sama is in the building!" What the hell? How did she know, I don't know, but she told me to go ask for the key myself, then get out whenever I felt like it and lock the door with her landlord's key. She would ask for it back tomorrow.

"But what if he won't give the key to me?" I asked in desperation, I don't wanna talk to creepy strangers!

"There is no time to discuss this! I'll leave the door open, so you can at least leave, but please do try to get the apartment locked, okay? Oh, he's here! Wish me luck!" she babbled in flush and practically fled to her door. "Good luck!" I had said.

Anyways, the landlord was extremely happy to see me, I guess he hadn't had a lot of guests lately. He talked to me for like 10 minutes, more like made compliments about my body the whole time. Like I didn't know my sex appeal before! It was weird, but when I finally said why I had come, he said, he didn't have the key! He had given it to a local Sister, who sometimes stops by. I informed him that this means the apartment will be unlocked for a few hours. He thought it was fine, since he will be here and it will only be a few hours.

But when I got down again and found out that the door was locked and I couldn't go outside from anywhere else (the floor was fourth!) I realised just how screwed up my day was. Starting with my hideous clothes (at least Juvia gave me a normal shirt) and Natsu disappearing and the incident in the train station, though it helped me find the guest book that I'm currently leafing through. He definitely tried to draw me, some bits are surprisingly good. As heartwarming as the gesture was, I still wonder why he did that? It's creepy. I really like it though and I'm glad I could take it with me.

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