it starts 🧎‍♀️

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"What the hell are you two looking at!" Jax says sitting up holding the blanket up to his chest hiding he's naked "I'm looking at the fact you took my things!" You say angrily while ragitha walks away "what you want them back now? You weren't using them anyway" he says annoyed but a bit embarrassed you caught him "well I don't want them back now that you've touched them NAKED!" You say annoyed that he would even ask that "hm it's not like you've been naked when you use it, right..?" He says blushing slightly "well, um.." you embarrassed and blushing because you've done just that "wait you not saying-" jax says puting the peaces together "uh I've had done that... multiple times.." you whisper at him hope no outsiders hear. Jax acts 'disgusted' and 'off-put' but you see his definitely not

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