(nsfw bit)

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He picks you up "Oi put me down you weird purple bunny!" Your shouted and he just threw you on the bed "ouch" you said rubbing your arm "I didnt throw you that hard clown face" jax Said getting into the bed next to you

"Wha- what are you doing" you say scooting away from him until your basicly on the wall "I wonder if.. oops my finger slipped" he said using his fingers to quickly pull your shirt up so your 🍒 are out "AH" you shout face a strong red

"Hm bigger than I expected huh" he said rubbing them (it felt good tho-) you acadently moan quietly OUT LOAD makeing jax hear!

"You like that huh?" He said still with his smug look "um I NO! I don't >////<" you said redder than before

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