not part of the story

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SORRY I JAVENT BEEN UPDATEING. Since its almost Christmas I've been really busy aswell as school etc, but I've ended school now so I will probably put more updates!

Also can't believe I'm saying this again but people are being mean again 😭. My content is a JOKE and isn't ment to be taken seriously. And 1 person is mad cuz I corrected someone's spelling (as a joke 🤠) and told me "your story has a bunch of spelling errors" and some other thing but all I'm saying is I have dyslexia so sorry ig? Also im not saying there user! And if you find one of these comments PLEASE DONT BE MEAN! Some people when I did this last time hated and was mean to the person and that's never what I want!

Update soon! And merry Christmas or whatever you believe in!!

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