Chapter 63: Unbroken Barriers

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Onika Maraj.

It took at least three full scopes to find our assigned seats without crashing into a row. Hot airflow spouted through the chairs as we settled in.

Our children spilt up to occupied our side as we sat close to one another. There were a few faintly voices, mostly from newborn babies nearby.

Braislyn couldn't steal the scene this time because of her sickness. Every few minutes I found myself texting Ma Tina with concerns.

Same response.

"She's fine."

"She'll be just fine."

"Oh hush! Quit worrying."

To not be home with my child especially in her time of need bothered me. Family nights was very salient yet guilt painted my heart.

Our drinks got put in the cup holder whilst she threw her arm over my neck. I played with her fingers and snuggled in.

"What movie is this?" I whispered.

"Ralph Breaks the Internet." Bey responded.

"Hmm I thought you weren't into this type of stuff?"

"Hard not to when dealing with four kids."

"Three." I corrected her.

"Nope. Four sounds about right."


"Take a wild guess."

After understanding what she might have meant or intended, I arched my eyebrows and gawked. I swiftly struck her stomach.

"I-I'm not a kid." I semi-yelled.

"You still eat Trix."

"Yeah? So?"

She laughed heartily. "Nothing. Point proven."

"Whatever. Shut up ... before I knock you out."

I turned to glance, when I sensed that her gaze was on my face. She gave off a huge grin.

"What?" I questioned.

"Nothing girl. You irritating." Beyoncé laughed once more and mushed my head. I returned the sly touch while gawking at her.

"Don't hit Bebe, Mommy!" Mya whinged.

"Yeah. Don't hit Bebe." Beyoncé reiterated.


An ear-splitting ring cracked through the speakers at full blast. It interrupted my entire segment which caused her to chuckle a bit.

My head landed on her chest as I imposed on a sharp eye roll. Our young children spilled popcorn everywhere, chewing clumsily.

I sipped on her cup of root-bear and tore open a bag of M&M's peanuts. Her hand held my thigh tightly just as she pulled up the recliner.

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