Chapter 40: Harm Set Harm Get

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Sadness that we can't explain is the worst.

"Where you thinking you going?"

I kicked and screamed with all my might but it seemed nothing was working to overpower him. He was mad strong. The guy that once loved me did not live here.

"Getcho ass up!"

He yanked my body up by the feet and swung me into the wall. It left a big crack. I felt a sharp pain clawing through me and my vision blurred.

God please no.

"You got the nerve to embarrass me!"

"R-Robert please ..."

"Stop begging. It's working my nerves." He gritted.

"Robert– No!"

He pulled me up and smiled before decking me repeatedly in my face. I fought. I fought real hard. It didn't make much of a difference.

Instead, resistance caused him to inflict more severe pain to my body. His every muscle tensed.

"You're not having this baby."

Robert slammed my head against the wall so hard that it caused blood to trickle down my face. I no longer felt my mouth or nose.

I dropped to my knees, curling into a ball as he pace back and forth with a blade in hand. Robert let out a cold laugh, glowering at me.

"Everything's going to be okay real soon."

I reached up to feel anything solid other than hardwood and landed on an umbrella. Soon as Meek charged at me, I swung it at him.

He groaned, stepping backwards, giving me enough time to get up and run. But I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed hold of my hair then slid his arm around my neck.

Instantly, his grip tightened while moving us towards the kitchen again. I desperately clawed at his face, losing a lot strength and growing weak.

I couldn't breathe.

"Oh you want to fight?" He chortled.

"H-Help! Please .."

"You not going anywhere until we fix this problem–"

In a flash, his body was removed from me and a mean loud commotion begun. My vision went and out as silverware and pictures fell on the ground.

The only that kept everything slightly sane was the calm familiar voice. I heard her voice. When my vision became clear, I-I froze.

Bey wasted no time throwing hard blows that connected to at least one part of his body. Meek threw his forearms up, attempting to block her hits.

She slipped to the blindside and smashed her elbow into the side of his skull. He yelped out in pain and charged at her, grappling her waist.

Bey managed to stand her ground and kneed him in the face a couple of times and pushed him. She then tackled him over the couch and into the glass coffee table.

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