The Car-Ride

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      As the car sped down the highway Gregory leaned against the window and watched as trees flew by in and out of view, the morning light passing through them turning his brunette hair a goldish hue. He was thankful for the new house for many reasons; his new room, the extra shelves to fill with video games, but most of all he loved the long car rides to get to town. He loved watching the light shine through the trees and dance on the dashboard, or the shining stars zooming by during drives home from the mall when his father had to work late. Bryan seemed to be working longer and longer hours as the weeks went on and it was beginning to worry the small child however, due to his young age he didn't quite understand why. He noticed his father becoming more stressed lately, more desperate. The boy looked over to his father in the driver's seat, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. 

"He must have forgotten his contacts again," thought the small child after noticing the squints in the man's eyes. While from a distance everything seemed well in the man's eyesight, if you gave him a piece of paper you could see him slightly distance the paper further away from his face and squint his eyes ever so slightly. Gregory looked forward getting lost in his thoughts. The boy noticed everyone becoming more stressed lately, and most of it seemed to stem off of his father's stress. As much as his father tried to hide it around the boy he noticed Bryan's change in behavior, the distrust he has with all of his friends, the denial they were even friends in the first place. His mood always seemed to get better when he was around that dr. Vendi person though. Then the moment anything work related got brought up it seemed as though he immediately fell back into the same dark hole he started falling into. Maybe that was why his father hated his animatronics so much, they reminded him to much of the work he was trying to avoid. 

"Are you looking forward to your first day?" asked Bryan, snapping Gregory out of his train of thought.

"hm? oh! um, yeah I guess," Gregory responded in his usual quiet manner. Bryan's grip on the steering wheel loosened and his eyebrows furrowed together into a look of concern while Gregory started fidgeting with his thumbs.

"Is there something wrong?" Bryan asked in a soft tone of voice, or at least the closest to one he could achieve. Gregory stopped moving his fingers and interlocked them in a tight grip. Gregory stayed silent for a moment as Bryan turned off of the highway and took a right at an intersection.

"I'm ok," Gregory said in a high pitched slightly cheerful tone. Bryan didn't seem very convinced and urged the child to specify what it was that was bothering him. The boy looked down, his neatly combed hair falling in his face.

"Did the kids bother you at your old school?" Bryan asked timidly. As much as the mall owner wished to help his son he didn't know how to, he never quite learned how to help others or to be helped himself. The boy looked down at his interlocked fingers, a still silence filling the vehicle outside of the sounds of gravel under the car. Bryan locked his elbows and slightly increased his grip on the steering wheel as he took a right turn, the cars silence answering his question for the boy. "If anyone tries bothering you again, I'll deal with it ok?" Bryan said in the most comforting voice he could muster to help hide the anger rising in his throat. His son nodded and gave a slight smile and leaned against his seat as they took the final turn into the school parking lot. Gregory slightly gripped his seat as they pulled into a parking spot and the car fell into park. Gregory pulled his bag out of the bottom of his seat as his father opened his door and walked around the car to open his. Gregory put the bag on around his back before being pulled out of the car in a bear hug.

"Dad!" Gregory yelled unamused. Bryan laughed as he put down Gregory and fixed his hair. Bryan kneeled down and put his arms up offering a proper hug. Gregory walked towards his father's arms and quickly hugged him in a tight squeeze before quickly taking a step back and running inside of the school. A chuckle escaped Bryans lips as he got up and went back inside of his vehicle. He lit the ignition, silently cussed under his breath at the slow parents in the parking lot and pulled out and got back onto the highway on his way to the mall. 

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