Work Arrival

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      The steering wheel spun left, and the brake pedal was pressed down as the vehicle pulled into the parking lot. The front lights of the mall flicked on as the golden morning lights shined on the mall's windows and architecture and the business owner began to walk inside. The glass doors slid open as the brunette stepped inside while the doors closed behind him. Bryan made his way to the entrance to the malls Fazbear attraction as the voices of opening workers for countless shops echoed in the mostly empty halls, giving off a quiet yet loud sound. Bryan reached the doors resigned under the large Freddy head and pulled his key card out of his jacket pocket before sliding it through a card reader, causing the metal bars to slide up revealing the glass doors for the pizzeria. 

      As the doors slid open the brunette walked inside and made his way behind the front desk into the main office area. He walked to his desk and sat down in his chair as it slightly spun from his movement, producing a slight creaking noise. The man looked down with a slight frown and took a mental note to fix the chair at a later date. Clicking filled the room as Bryan began to fill out the paperwork made from the previous days sales, squinting his eyes more and more as the day staggered on. As time went on the man's focus shifted from the topic of work to another, making him read a page of work only to realize he didn't comprehend any of the information and having to go back once more to re-read the page, further distancing his focus. He looked up from the current document he was reading, and his expression hardened seeing that he had company.

"What do you want?" Bryan said in a cold and annoyed tone, face still facing the paper he was working on with his eyes looking up, fixated on the person in front of him. The figure in front of him fidgeted with the end of his red sleeves anxiously. "Well?" Bryan said annoyed. The figure looked down, his brunette hair falling in front of his face.

"I'm surprised you still have this," the figure said with a laugh gesturing to the red jacket both he and Bryan were wearing. Bryan furrowed his brows.

"You're not answering the question," Bryan began while setting down his paper, "why are you here". The figure looked up at Bryan with an empty yet warm expression, with hints of anxiety.

"You tell me, I'm only here because of you after all," the figure said tilting his head. Bryan grumbled and rested his head on his hands with his face covered.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," Bryan mumbled from under his hands.

"Verbally you did yes, it seems as though our subconscious had other ideas," the figure said while shifting uncomfortably, not entirely sure of what else to say.  Bryan slightly shifted his head, just enough to where his eyes could look at the figure in front of him. A near identical figure stood in front of him, visually identical at least. There were many different things about the two when you looked at more than just their physical appearance. The figure that stood in front of him was full of forgiveness, full of sympathy and full of innocence. Bryan on the other hand, had lost that long ago. The figure gave a look of sympathy and confusion. Bryan rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair, the dreadful squeak returning and filling the room breaking the silence.

"You obviously have something on your mind," Bryan began. "Might as well get this conversation done and over with" he finished.

"You know we shouldn't be doing this," the figure said quietly. Bryan sighed in anger and shifted his head to face the figure in front of him, not moving his body in the process.

"I hate to break it to you, me" Bryan began. "But you don't have much of a say in this situation," he finished. The figure furrowed his brows with a slightly pouty expression.

"This plan of yours, it's exactly what he did, you're becoming just like him. You know that right?" The figure said in desperation. A wave of anger washed over Bryan and he sat up in his chair.

"I am nothing, like Spring-Trap," Bryan said assertively. The figure stood up straight.

"You're messing with the portal in ways you shouldn't, just like he did. You're trying to bring back dad regardless of the consequences that'll take place after that, just like he did!" The figure said, slowly beginning to yell. Bryan grumbled and gripped his hair with his hands.

"He kills children, he made us kill our friends!" Bryan said. "I don't do anything even close to that!".

"You push your friends away and threaten them when they only want to help!" the figure yelled desperately. "You act as though there's no consequences to the things you're doing, as if the pain your causing others doesn't even matter!".

"Thats because it doesn't! Not after everything they did to you, everything they did to me!" Bryan said, beginning to raise his voice as well.

"The animatronics never meant to hurt anyone, they bickered with us, we did the same exact thing!"

"They completely disregarded any effects the events from the park or Spring-Trap may have caused, hell they got mad at me for even being upset about it!"

"They were scared," the figure said with slight tears forming in his eyes. "Molten, Lolbit, Freddy, they all went through the same things we did!" the figure began. "They lost who they cared for to and they knew it hurt, but they couldn't risk us going of the deep end and getting sent off to storage, or separated, or god knows what!". Bryans grip on his hair tightened as his agitation grew. "You know deep down what you're doing is wrong, if you didn't I wouldn't be here right now," the figure said calming down, his desperation growing.

"It doesn't matter, me and Adrien are going to bring back our fathers, and we'll get the childhood we missed, the childhood you deserve," Bryan replied. The figure looked at Bryan with a look of sympathy.

"We could've gotten that back then," the figure began as Bryan looked up at him, eyes filled with exhaustion. "Dad decided neither of us where worth it and that work was more important," the figure said referring to him as well as Dylan. "The moment he comes back he'll just go right back to work, forgetting about all of us again," the figure finished looking down at the floor.

"Don't talk about him like that," Bryan said. The figure opened his mouth before a loud scream was heard. The figure turned to look at the office door in fear and shock as Bryan quickly got out of his chair in confusion and began to quickly run out of the room.

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