Chapter 19: A Breath of Spring

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"I'm stuck in a time loop, reliving November 2nd. This is the 110th time I've lived through today."

Draco stilled. His hand hovered by the shop door, wand outstretched to dismantle the wards. Slowly, the look of reluctance, of mistrust and opposition that had spread on his face the moment he'd spotted Harry on his doorstep that morning shifted. In its stead appeared a curiously blank expression.

"Ah," he said. He shot Harry a brief frown before clearing his face again, then moved his wand against the door until it unlocked with a faint click. "And?"

"And?" Harry echoed. Draco, of course, had grown up in the very heart of the Wizarding world. Now that Harry thought about it, he wouldn't be surprised if Lucius and Narcissa had once upon a time possessed their own Time Turner. It would have looked sinister and serpentine, perhaps, eternally devouring its own tail like an ouroboros. Maybe it had helped them to muddle about with the Ministry, to be ever-present, move ahead and bend the world to their will. Or maybe they would have used it in much a similar way to Hermione, sent Draco to every possible Hogwarts preparatory class and gifted him a head start.

Pushing open the shop door, Draco made a beeline for the counter. He made no move to put into place any of his charms. The ceiling remained blank, too close to their heads. Instead, he busied himself by fiddling with a stack of papers on his counter, then brushed imaginary dust from the till with a silvery silk cloth. When he finally looked up to meet Harry's gaze, he gave a cool shrug. "So?"

Harry hadn't spent a whole lot of time imagining how this conversation would go. Up until a few short hours ago, he'd been in Draco's bed, with Draco wrapped all around him, magnificently tender. When he'd been snapped back into existence in his spotless hotel room, he'd jumped into getting ready for the day at once, rushing through the streets to hex Ministry employees, letting bullheaded determination drive his every move. Once a prime driving force behind Harry's every action, he never experienced determination much anymore. Standing in front of this blank Draco now, he could feel its reassuring weight slipping from his shoulders already.

"Umm," Harry started and wanted immediately to roll his eyes at himself.

Draco very much looked like he wanted to do the same. You're so unimpressive , his impolite eyes seemed to say and Harry squirmed. Shaking his head minutely, Draco pulled out a drawer from behind the counter and produced a piece of paper. A map. He spread it on the counter, watched blandly as Harry stepped closer. "If you're looking for help, let me point you to the easiest way to the Parisian Ministry. They'll sort you out. There are several spots around here that will take you there. Unfortunately for you, the French elite fancy themselves quite the comedians, so you'll have to travel through a fish tank to get there. It's a very irritating and hideous business. I try to avoid it. There's a direct boat to Paris I can point you to as well, the scenic route if you will, but that will take you much longer. Or – ," Stopping himself, he watched Harry's expression, his eyes widening in feigned impatience. "Yes?" he prompted.

"Um. Well, I just – I guess this wasn't quite the reaction I expected," Harry confessed.

"Oh?" For the first time since Harry's rather outrageous time-loop admission did Draco's expression approach adequate curiosity. "Why? How do I usually react?"

"Usually?" Harry echoed. "Er. This is the first time I've told you."

His eyes narrowing, Draco stepped closer to the counter, propping his hip and the long line of his leg against the wood. "But not the first time you've sought me out."

"I –," said Harry, "No."

For a moment, Draco's face flickered with emotion. Surprise, a hint of intrigue. Then, his expression cleared. "Well, then you must know I'm working," he announced, ostensibly deciding to be difficult about this. "You know, not all of us got handed our careers on a silver platter, Potter, and Wednesdays are particularly good for business if you would believe it. So I'm afraid I'm not available for our saviour at this point in time."

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