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      As the gamers of many different sorts woke from their nap, some where already awake.

     "OH GREAT BUNGIE GODS! WHAT HAVE WE DONE WRONG!? DO WE NEED TO SACRIFICE?!" A Warlock from Destiny broke up laughing as he got up from his kneeling position, his friends, a Titan and a Hunter, laughed with him. The Warlock kept laughing, until he got punched in the side of the face by a Halo: Reach Spartan, "SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT BUNGIE ASSHOLE!" The Spartan angrily shouted. The Warlock chuckled weakly, "Someone didn't get over Bungie releasing a new game other then Halo." The Titan muttered, helping his Warlock friend up, then turning to face the Spartan, "We should get the others up. Then we can fight!" The Spartan nodded, turning to face the guy next to him, a assault from Battlefield 4. The Spartan held him up by the front of his shirt and shook him, for at least two minutes before the Assault woke up, then dropped him on his feet. "Wake up the others." The Spartan ordered the Assault, then picked up the next guy and shook him violently, which woke the guy up almost instantly. Then an ear-piercing alarm, and it was the same annoying BEEP BEEP BEEP that you probably have in your house.

The effect was instantaneous. Several people groaned, and a quarter of the people in the clearing had woke up, and one person, who had chosen an Elite as his playermodel, roared in rage, "SHUT THE DAMNED THING OFF, BEFORE I GUT THE PERSON WHO HAS IT ON!" Everyone stopped, and after a split-second, the alarm stopped. "Sorry everyone! BUT WE NEED YOU ON YOUR ASSES NOW!" The Warlock shouted into his megaphone that he literately pulled from nowhere. "Who made you leader?!" Yelled one of the soldiers. The Warlock shrugged, "No one, I'm just one massive alarm clock. AND IT'S TELLIN' YA TO GET THE FUCK OFF YOUR ASSES!" He once more shouted, and everyone stumbled to their feet, ¨Motherfucker, ruining my beauty sleep, bitch.¨ one soldier, a Destiny Titan by the name of OGGanster22, muttered. Unbeknownst to OGGanster22, the Warlock was stepping by, and had his megaphone. The Warlock chuckled darkly, and muted his noise, and activated the fog horn feature on the megaphone, right into the titan's ear. The Titan stood still for a moment, then toppled over, laying sprawled on the ground. One of the Assaults ran up, defibrillators in hand, ¨Is he dead?¨

The Warlock glanced at the Titan, ¨Leave 'em there for a minute.¨ and walked off. The Assault hesitated, then started counting to a minute, idly flipping his defibs on his finger, whistling an odd tune.

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