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It's been five weeks since she came to New York, and Harriet could say she's settling in quite well.

Other than the fact that her mother is missing and she's possibly being hunted down.

Right now, her Aunt Vanessa is yelling at her as Harriet runs down the hallway of the house with the ancient china vase in her hands.

'Harriet Percival Ames Brown, you come back here right now or i'll have your guts for garters!'

Her aunt's accent is so thick it makes her laugh harder, nearly dropping the china on the wooden floorboards.

'Harriet, don't make me bury you in the backyard.'

Harriet runs faster, slipping on the floor in her socks as she goes. 'Damnit!' She falls, landing on her butt and groaning when she attempts to stand.

Her aunt comes around the corner, snatching the vase and plopping herself down next to the girl.

There's a palpable silence.

Harriet starts laughing again.

She's doubled over, clutching her stomach. Her aunt finally gives, laughing to match that of her niece.

'I have to get to work.' Harriet says after a few more minutes of laughter. Her aunt nods ad rises to her feet, pulling Harriet up as well. 

'You're a good niece, Harry.'

'I know.'

Harriet makes it to Stark Tower in time, dressed in her usual 'formal' attire; a heavy metal crop top and skinny jeans. Yes, she understands they're skinny jeans; it's as formal as she can try.

A familiar face passes her and she waves. 'Hey Eve!' Eve smiles softly at her and waves back, her clipboard held closely to her white blouse.

Harriet walks up a few sets of stairs and finally makes it to Tony's office. She has to talk to him about a few simple bugs in the system.

Before she can reach the door, none other than Arlo grabs the handle, opening it for her. 'Ladies first.' He smiles in a way that would have other girls swooning, but he's so transparent in her eyes. 

'I'll talk to Tony later.' She says, closing the door and walking away. She doesn't care that she has to go back down the stairs.

Dodged a bullet. She thinks to herself as she walks down the stairs.

She definitely did.

a/n: you know who couldn't dodge a bullet?

i know what you guys are gonna say... Why is it so short, cie? i honestly don't have the energy to write a lot rn, so i'm updating when i can ★ hope you enjoyed this chapter.

enter the URL below for an edit (my own form of compensation).

not my edit btw


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