Incorrect Boruto/Sasuke Quotes

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"I'm Uzumaki Boruto, you shitheads."

.  .  .

Boruto: "Or so I said, but what exactly are we going do now, Sasuke-san?"

Sasuke: "...It's becoming increasingly clear that you're the true son of that loser..."

.  .  .

Sasuke: "If you're going to survive the next few years, you'll need a goal in mind to keep you going. Why did you decide to become a shinobi?"

Boruto: "...To become like you and protect the future Hokage."

Sasuke: "Hm. Admirable."

Boruto: "Who is going to be Sarada."

Sasuke: "Amaterasu."

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Sasuke: "This hair... Is annoying."

Boruto: "Time for the monthly trip to a Barber shop."

.  .  .

Boruto: "Sasuke-San, do you know why Sarada keeps her hair short?"

Sasuke: "Hm? Isn't it just to make it so it doesn't get in the way during battle?"

Boruto: "Then why do you keep yours so long?"

Sasuke: "...To hide my now missing eye."

Boruto: "...Miss! Can you cut my hair shorter?"

Sasuke: *clicks tongue*

.  .  .

Boruto: "Can't we go into a restaurant?"

Sasuke: "Not without transforming first. And even then it's risky."

Boruto: "I have an idea."

(Transforms into Sexy girl)

Sasuke: (Watching Boruto seduce the waiter for a free meal) "Yup. He's Naruto's son alright."

.  .  .

Sasuke: "You've done well. I think it's finally time..."

Boruto: "Time?"

Sasuke: "For a new outfit. Come with me."

Boruto: "You mean we get to be matching buddies?!"

.  .  .

Sasuke: "That's not how you wield a sword. Here, I'll show you."

*Gives demonstration and cuts tree*

Boruto: "Oh. So I gotta do it with style."

Sasuke: "Style?"

Boruto: (pauses. Glares. Lowers head. Uses thumb to unsheath Katana. Flashes past tree. Clicks Katana back into sheath). "Huh? Why didn't it cut the tree?"

Sasuke: "...You still have to actually draw the sword..."

.  .  .

Boruto: "Shannarrooo!"

Sasuke: *flashes behind him, sword to throat* "Never say that again."

Boruto: "Yes sir!"

.  .  .

Boruto: "Sasuke-San, when are you going to teach me Chidori?"

Sasuke: "You can't learn it without Sharingan."

Boruto: "What about Jougan?"

Sasuke: "I... don't know what that is."

Boruto: "I don't either."

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