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As they exit the corridor, they're stopped by a family yet irritating face: Connie Plagg. An English teacher, a highly annoying staff member that irks the two men highly.

They both rolled their eyes as Connie eyes them up and down, her gaze landing on Dinos pants with the giant hole in the side. "Having a little wardrobe malfunction there Mr Coochie?" she asked with a smirk.

Frederick steps forward and glared at her while hissing "Leave him alone Miss Plagg, no one asked for your opinion that you seemingly always give. Go suck up to the other gay teachers to prove you're such an ally and leave us alone."

Just as Miss Plagg is about to say something, the teachers pet of the English class, Sandy, steps out from behind her and faces the two men. "Thats sexist of you to say that no one wants her opinion just because she's a woman! ChatGPT thinks otherwise so I would listen to it if I were you."

Dino and Frederick just stared at her dumbfounded, how could anyone be that fucking stupid? Connie just smiled at Sandy and nodded, agreeing with her prize pupil. Mr Bright shook his head and dragged Dino away, walking to his car so they could get out of there.

As they got in the car, they looked out the window to see Miss Plagg get in her car, and not notice Sandy standing in the middle of the driveway. With Connie not seeing her, she revved up her car and ran over Sandy at full speed, her hair going crazy and messy and her brains all splattered on the ground.

Miss Plagg stopped the car and got out to see Sandy on the ground. She screamed and remained oblivious to the bus that was careening towards her at a vicious speed, where it eventually smacked into her and she went flying into a tree, becoming a deformed dead bat.

Both Dino and Freddie stared in horror as they drove off, partly shocked and partly glad, as those two females had what was coming to them.

Frederick and Dino: a modern romanceWhere stories live. Discover now