Another agent

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"Soon a lamb, will be sacrificed..." A voice speak in Angel's mind, as she slowly opened her eyes and finding herself in the middle of the void with a man standing arrogantly in front of her. "The fuck are you talking about, old man?" She hisses.

"Oh watch your mouth, child." The man chuckled and turned around, his back are facing her now. "You will receive our most sacred gift, soon."

"I would never-"

"Why keep resisting, child? It was a miraclous gift and you should be grateful for it." The man exclaimed with pride in his voice.

Her outburst made the man unpleased. "You are blind to see the true power of the gift we gave you, child." After the man said that, Angel starts to feel her organs were destroyed in excruciating pain. Her veins turned black and so her eyes darken. She began to mutate on place, as the man watch in satisfaction. She felt the most unbearable pain as she keeps screaming on top of her lungs.


Angel gasped and quickly opened her eyes. Her sweat was all over her forehead and face, as she looked down at her tied hands. "Thank God it was just a dream.." She whispered to herself in a breathy voice, as she looked around the strange room.

"Where the hell am i?" She looked down at her hands once again. "How do i get tied up.." She scoffed and tried to break the rope using everything she could find around the room. She tried to stand up, only to find out that her legs are tied tightly as well. She eventually found a boot knife in the corner and immediately grab the knife using her mouth.

She uses the knife to cut down the rope so then she could cut one on her legs. Once she break free, she quickly escaped the room to find Luis... Again. "You better be safe." She muttered.

She snuck out from the building, and start her journey again. However, she need to report the current situation to Ada. So, she called Ada from the radio, hoping she would pick it up and answer her call. And just like she's expected, Ada answered her call. "Angel! Where are you now? I've been trying to call you but you didn't answered. What happened?" Ada asked with a slight worried tone. "I got knocked down and i don't know where i am now but.."

"They caught Luis and took him somewhere." Angel answered.

Ada let out a soft groan, and replied to her. "Find him, and save him, copy?"

"Copy that."

Just after that, Ada hung up the radio, leaving Angel to make her own way to find Luis. "I don't even know where they took him." She took a deep breath and sighs in frustration. "Guess i have to find him myself." She started to walk back into the village square, looking for him there.

On her way, she heard gunshots echoed, with groans and moans mixed in. Her ears perked up in curiousity, now looking for the source of the noises. She noticed a brunette man with dark blue eyes, and wearing a leather jacket shooting a horde of villagers that she and Luis encountered a while ago.

"He looks overwhelmed, maybe i should help him for a bit." Angel thoughts to herself, and took out her sniper rifle. She loaded the sniper before aiming at the target, and starts shooting them one by one. The sudden shot from Angel made the man surprised, as he tried to look around for the sniper. The man then noticed the woman whose helping him, and felt relieved that someone helped him. The man continue to shot the villagers with Angel helping him, but it feels like these hordes will never stop coming and it made both of them overwhelmed too, until..

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