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Countless stairs they stepped through, Luis, Angel, and Ada fought their way to Luis's underground lab just for the medicine they will use. As they walked down, the three of them could smell burning wood and the smoke fills up the room.

"Hm, is something burning?" Luis sniffed the smoke.

"Guess we'll find out." Ada replied.

The closer they got, the more smokes and the flame lights visible from the brick wall and when they found out, the lab was consumed by burning embers, burning down the entire stuff Luis had stored inside this lab, including the medicine he made. His eyes widen in shock, panick and worry.

"No, no, no! We can't let the medicine be destroyed!!" Luis rushed inside, but quickly stopped by Angel. "Luis, no! It's too risky to go inside!" She shouted, grabbing his arm.

"Just let it go!" Ada adds, but the spaniard still being stubborn and goes inside, grunting and coughing as he galloped to take the medicine that he hopes is still remaining. "Luis!! Come back!!!" Angel rushed in as well, having no choice but to chase him and took him out. The woman runs and avoiding the burning rubble in front of her, also dodging blowing gas from the tanks, coughing and grunting from the smoke that slowly fills their lungs.

At the edge of the lab, Angel finally reached to Luis that was now collapsed to the table in front of him, dropping all the documents burn to ashes on the floor. "Luis!! *coughs* Let's get out of here!!" She shouts and grab his body from behind, pulling him out from the small room.
"No! I have to save the.. *coughs* the medicine!!" He tried to pull away, but her grasp was so firm on his body. "It's too late, Luis! This place will burn out in any second!!"

She was right, if he keeps being stubborn, both of them will get roasted to death here. The spaniard had no choice but following Angel out from the burning lab, without any medicine left. They both managed to get out alive, and Luis collapsed to the floor, coughing heavily caused by the smoke filling up his chest.

"If you're trying to kill yourself can you do it After you've delivered the Amber?" Ada scolded.

Luis sit up, his back still facing Ada. "It's all gone... burnt to nothing." His voice was shaky and sounded desperate, they could hear his sniffle between the air he exhale.

"Why is this so important to you?"

"There are things, i must set right. But that is impossible now..."

"It's all over- and i can't help them anymore." He sobbed with his head facing the floor, full of guilt and desperate, losing everything he had just by one single mistake that ended up burning the entire lab. Angel stand next to him, looking down at him with stoic demeanor. "Pull yourself together, Luis. There's still the other way." She said, and Ada continued.

"Make more. You know how, just do it!" Ada reminded him who he is, he could simply make more. He's a biologist after all. "It's not too late to start over again." Angel adds. This lighten a spark of hope inside of Luis, and he thinks about it once again. Why do he need to be sad when he could make more? "I guess it is possible.." He stand up, facing the two woman in front of him.

"The ingredients are all here, in the castle!"

"Yes, i need time.. but i can still get you your Amber." He adds.

Ada went silent and think about it for a second, and nods at him. "All right, let's do this." She replied with a slight annoyed look, although her agreement relieved him. Atleast he didn't lost his life yet in this woman's hands.
"We can go back up this way. Then, we figure out our next move." He opened the metal door and quickly rush into the stairs after stairs back to the upper floor, followed by Angel and Ada behind. A sudden curiousity builds inside of his mind, and decided to inquire it.

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