Chapter 15 : The jealousy

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Shivani's pov :

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Shivani's pov :

The Next Evening
My all day went in shifting my things from guestroom in which I was currently staying to Abhi's bedroom, you all will be like wow shivani such a good progress but no I don't have a death wish by doing such a bold thing on my own nor it is a part of mission mr. Cold hearted. But don't worry it's safe as Abhi himself has asked me to do so.

Mom dad and Rakshit will be here tomorrow and if they got to know that we stay in different rooms it will create a problem and make them suspicious about us.

My anger was long gone as I can't be angry on him for long and he did apologized 'even carried you in his arms' my heart added making me blush.

Currently I am in the kitchen preparing dinner as there is a guest coming. I don't know who the guest is but I think she is important to him. Abhi is very caring towards his love one's and can do anything to protect them and make them happy. I think she is one among them as he is being extra careful with all the preparation like avoiding things which she is allergic to or keeping things how she likes them to be.

I am curious to know who she is that he is being extra carefull with her. Am I jealous? Ofcourse not, but I wonder When will he starts caring for me the same way he cares for his love one's.

I have seen his loving and caring side and may be that's why it hurts me more when he talk rudely to me, It hard to see anger and hater in someone's eyes whose eyes once use to hold love and care in them. I blinked several times to stop my tears.

Thought I have challenged him that i will change his feelings but will I really be able to change it?

I am trying my best to win him but deep down there is a fear too what if I couldn't? What if he don't love me anymore and it's just my thinking? What if I loose him again? The thought itself make me shiver.

He is my only hope to live, I have gotten so use to him that if I don't get to see him i feel anxious. After everything that happened he came back in my life and gave me hope to live. Yes I married him unknowingly but now that I got him back I can't loose him.

As I said before I can bear his hater but I can't bear staying away from him. When I was away from him I use to think will I be able to see him with someone else but now I know that no I can't because he belongs to me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the door bell. I guess they are here thankgod I am almost done. I turned the gas off and ran towards the door.

I reached to the door and opened it, there stood Abhi looking tired but still breath-taking. Besides her was a girl around my age.

she was beautiful and the red colour gown that she was wearing was enhancing her beauty. Her body was slim and tall and every thing about her screamed confidence.

I frown looking at her because she was busy starring at my Abhi while Abhi was busy typing on his phone.

I cleared my throat which brought their attention on me. As soon as her eyes fall on me her face changed to shock like she has seen a ghost. "youuuuuu?" She said looking at me like she didn't expected me to be here. Her face turned pale and she stood there with her mouth wide open.

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